Wednesday, July 11, 2012

sExercise : I'm Losing Weight Through Sex - World's Heaviest Woman

After divorcing her husband three years ago, Pauline Potter – already a whopping 46stone – piled on so much extra weight that she became the heaviest woman in the world. But at a staggering 50stone, her ex-husband Alex (a svelte 11stone), couldn’t resist her and set out
win her back and reignite their sex life.
The couple now have marathon sex sessions of up to seven times in one day and Pauline maintains that the ‘sexercise’ is what’s keeping her slim.
The ‘sexathons’ with Alex, who has visited her twice a month for four days at a time, have had a dramatic effect on her size, helping her shed a stone each month by sweating off the calories.
‘I can’t move much in bed, but I burn 500 calories a session-it’s great exercise just jiggling around,’ she told Closer Magazine.
Even though one of Pauline’s legs weighs more than Alex does, the couple are able to enjoy sex using different positions.
And although Pauline isn’t yet confident enough to buy sexy lingerie, she drapes a nice sheet over her to achieve the same effect in the bedroom.
The 47-year-old, who had a 19-year-old son Dillion from a previous marriage, met Alex in 2002 online and they married three years later.
After their marriage hit the rocks, the daycare centre worker moved to California in 2008 with Dillion and that is when she hit rock bottom and her weight spiralled out of control.
In July she made a dramatic move and entered herself into the Guinness Book of Records to shame herself into dieting.
It was when Alex saw she had clinched the Guinness World Record for her enormous size, that he rushed to move back in with his former partner in Sacramento, California.
She is now motivated to reach her target weight of 38st in order to become mobile enough to move in with Alex, who currently lives in Arizona.
She told Closer: ‘I still eat Big Macs, but I’ll choose between fries or nuggets. ‘I tell Alex he needs to visit more so he can help me shed the pounds quicker!’

-Daily mail

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1 comment:

  1. i'm a girl but still tryn 2 figure out her 'thing'
