Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Must Read: Woman divorces lazy husband and court orders her to compensate him to help kick start his new life.

A WOMAN of Lusaka’s Kamwala South begged the Lusaka Boma Court to dissolve her 18-year-old marriage because she was tired of supporting her “good for nothing lazy-drunkard”  husband.
Ireen Mumbi, 32, told senior court magistrate Lazarous Mwape that the only thing her husband Kennedy Kafupi, 38 was good at was lazing around the house and stealing household property to sustain his irresponsible drinking habit.
But to Mumbi’s unpleasant surprise, the court
dissolved the marriage and ordered her to pay Kafupi K3 million as compensation to help him kick start his new life.This was in a case in which Mumbi sued Kafupi for divorce. The two, who got married in 1995 have two children. Mumbi complained to the court that she has never known peace in her marriage as she has been forced to be the man of the house while Kafupi stayed home to enjoy the sweat of her labour.
She said she has over the years learned to tolerate his laziness as an elder in the church hoping that through prayer, Kafupi would change but unfortunately, he seems to be getting worse as he ages. She also said when she bought a farm and started building a house; he went out of his way to jeopardise her project by stealing the pockets of cement she had bought and selling it cheaply in their community.
Mumbi said when she embarked on another income generating activity and started rearing chickens, Kafupi started stealing the chickens and selling them behind her back.
“I am a very hard working woman, I provide for my children and I have supported him in all the years we have been married yet all he does is frustrate my efforts. It puzzles me why he always tries to destroy everything I do because he is also a beneficiary,” she said.
She complained to the court that Kafupi was also abusive to her and the children, especially after his drinking sprees. She said Kafupi once stabbed her on the chest with a knife because she refused to give him money for alcohol. “We no longer have any property to brag about in the house because he has either sold it or destroyed it during his irrational tantrums. And I have tried to tolerate him all these years because I am an elder in the church. I always hoped for the best but not anymore. I am tired of this man and this marriage.
In his statement Kafupi refuted claims that he was lazy, adding that he was as hard working as Mumbi. He said the problem with Mumbi was that she undermined his contributions to their household. “I am also a businessman, still struggling but I do contribute. It’s just  that she does not appreciate my efforts. I feel she wants a divorce because she is having an affair with her business partner,” he said. He said although he loves alcohol, he was not an abusive father and husband, adding that Mumbi was just exaggerating. When asked by the court if Mumbi was the one who financed his business, Kafupi responded in the affirmative.
Passing judgment, the court after reprimanding Kafupi for failing to be the head of his household, granted divorce and ordered Mumbi to compensate him to help kick start his new life. She was ordered to pay K3million in monthly installments of K 250,000. All property including the house was given to her.
The court also gave Mumbi custody of their two children

-Sunday Mail of Zambia

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