Monday, July 23, 2012

Scary! Dead Man’s Spirit Names People Who Murdered Him In 1977

It is common belief in mainly the Southern African culture that a murdered person will return from the dead for a second chance to track down his killers and bring them to justice.
This is true to the goings on in the Makaha family in Mutasa District where the spirit of their late grandfather, Raphael Zvenyika Makaha is manifesting itself through
his namesake and grandchild, Lincoln Zvenyika Makaha, demanding to be accorded a peaceful rest as well as exposing the hands behind his mysterious disappearance in 1977.
His family is leaving no stone unturned to put all pieces of their grandfather’s disappearance jig-saw puzzle together. To them, justice has to be done and the exhumation of his remains will bring to finality the case that has brought a lot of suffering to the family. Some family members even claimed that they are suffering a lot of misfortunes because of the wandering Sekuru Makaha’s spirit.
The family converged last week at their rural home and embarked on the gruesome exhumation exercise, which had entered its fourth day. Sekuru Makaha’s medium claimed that his remains were buried last Saturday and the family members were busy at work as they had been briefed by Lincoln on the exact spot where their late relative had been buried.
Digging the rocky area proved to be a challenge, but the families were buoyed by the fact that they had managed to retrieve a sack, which their grandfather claimed to have been in possession of when he was allegedly murdered. Lincoln claimed that the work to exhume Sekuru Makaha’s remains was being derailed by some family members who were using charms to blindfold others. He also claimed that those with dirty hands were working round the clock to ensure that his spirit was kept wandering in the wilderness.

....Just imagine...? Folks what do you think?

1 comment:

  1. I hv witnes tis here in Ogun, so its nt imposible
