Monday, February 18, 2013

Capitalise On Valentine Mood To Heat It Up Again

It’s been awhile since you two have had your sexy moments. Don’t be desperate. Here are some tips to bring back the romance without feeling foolish. The Valentine feeling is still on. Capitalise on it and up your ante on love and sex with your spouse.

Any relationship can cool off, and when it does, it can be daunting to try to heat it back up. Anyone who’s made failed attempts to do so knows that it can be a risky proposition.  Desperate times may call for desperate measures, but here are a few that won’t feel quite so… desperate.

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Start slowly. Attempting to “jump start” your sex life with your significant other rarely has the intended effect – taking extreme steps can make everyone self-conscious when what you really want is a natural connection.  Ease back into contact by ramping up the intimacy in your everyday interactions.
Touch more often and more deliberately as you go about your day.  Linger longer on the hello or goodbye kiss. Once you’ve begun reconnecting outside the bedroom, reconnecting inside it (or in an elevator, car, or bath tub for that matter), will be much more natural.

 Do unto your partner what you expect from him. If you make an effort, take a risk, give a little extra, chances are your partner will do so in return.  Making the first step can be unnerving, but the results are often surprisingly good.
As a simple way to start, give your partner the gift of an unforgettable massage, and imply that the real gift is yet to come. The massage candle and stone make it easy and exciting, and if you play your cards right, you’ll get the same treatment in return. You can also have a glass of wine together while bathing over romantic conversation.

If you are not in the mood for getting dressed up and going out, plan a fun, comfortable and cuddly date. Rent some movies; eat some delicious snacks and hold each other all night long.

You could make reservations to a nice restaurant and buy tickets to a movie you both are interested in watching. Holding hands in a dark movie theatre is very romantic and will make a very sweet Valentine’s Day and bring back those memories.

Visit an Amusement Park - Be wild and young together and enjoy a day at an amusement park. You spend the day laughing and holding hands as you run to each ride, and can share sweet romantic kisses while waiting in line.
Cooking Date - Light some candles around your home (or your lover’s home), play some romantic music, pour some wine and enjoy an evening cooking together. Cooking is a great way to connect with your lover and you can have a lot of fun feeding each other some mouth watering food made from your own hands (and his/hers). This will be a meal truly appreciated because of all the effort and love that went into it and will be a great memory to look back on.

Send Your Partner a Unique Gift - A gift that he or she will appreciate. Inside write the words, ‘I love you‘.

Stare At the Clouds - Drive into the country, find a grassy hill, and lie with your partner and look up at the clouds.

Walk along the Beach - Trace out the shape of a large love heart in the sand. Sit inside the heart and cuddle your partner as you watch the sun go down.

Think different. It’s not hard to get into a rut; if something was good once, we are apt to try it again.  If it starts to get dull, we simply wish it was like it used to be.  It can be easier (and more fun) to shift to a whole new angle than to try to relive the way things were.

Breaking patterns is a great way to reinvigorate the senses.  Sleep on the opposite side of the bed.  Find a new favourite position.  Make out in a room you’ve never been naked in before.  If you feel awkward making a change out of the blue, use Valentine’s Day, as an excuse to mix it up.  Things will never be the same again.

-Enakeno Oju

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