Sunday, April 14, 2013

Caroline King: Nollywood and my 22-year-old marriage

Thirteen years ago, Caroline King started acting when she featured in I Need To Know, a radio drama. She went on to do a couple of other soaps but became more famous for her role in Edge of Paradise. In a rare encounter with The Entertainer, Caroline shared her sour and sweet experiences as an actress, wife and mother. It’s unputdownable!
What can you not do for a movie?
I won’t go nude for a movie but every other thing that I can do to make my character believable I would do. But if I have the slightest doubt in my mind that I will not make the character believable I would not do it.

Can you kiss in a movie?
Yes I can, if the character demands it.

What if the person has mouth odour?
I will not!

Continue after the cut...

In the Gods Are Still Not To Blame, you dated a younger character, assuming you were not married can you do that?
If the emotion is true, that is if the man and woman involved are really into each other in love, I don’t think age should be a barrier. And the world we live now is, until a woman tells you her actual age that is when you would know. Right now, women are taking good care of their bodies. In the Western world, older women are dating younger men. I am not saying we should copy that. But I think age should not be a factor really.

How did you lose weight?
I watched what I ate. I had days I went on fruit diet and I did a lot of walking, I could walk for an hour and half, and I did light weightlifting.

Do you intend to keep this weight this time?
Yes, because I feel lighter, sexier, and my clothes hang on me better. I keep working out and I am not going to stop because it is a lifelong venture. Now people are not going to see me and say ‘mummy’ all the time again.

Does your husband see you as sexier?
Of course, yes.

What does your husband do?
He is a pilot.

How long have you been married?
I have been married for 22 years.

No woman should expect a man to be faithful, what is your take on that?
It is a two-way thing. However, I would think that any man who has respect for his wife would not open his mouth and say such a thing, because that is the first point of call and also if you have enough respect for your woman you won’t do such a thing that it will get to her knowledge, So, I don’t subscribe to that. In all of my 22 years of marriage I don’t expect my man to cheat on me, if he does, I would be very nasty. It is natural women love to protect their territory.

For 22 years, has your husband cheated on you?
I would be very honest with you, in this part of the world, it is taken for granted that men can cheat and should be allowed to cheat. Because of the polygamous setting, it is not strange to us. With the kind of job my husband does there has never been a time he cheated on me. And that my husband treats me with uttermost respect is enough for me. So, anything I hear, I handle with maturity. In our early years of marriage, my body used to be hot but now when I hear things I don’t worry as long as he still does what I want him to do. I know I still hold that special place in his heart.

The trend now is to see married women cheating, what do you think is wrong, and have you cheated on your husband?
I would say no categorically but that is not to say I don’t see men outside that I admire. Because I am God fearing, I think of the punishment from God, the effect it will have on my children, all these factors are deterrent for me. And my husband has been a good man, he knows what I like, he does things for me, he still notices when I’m sad. When I go to the salon and come back, he still does those little things that matter to a woman. I think all these little things make women to cheat on their husbands. I am not talking for women who just want to sleep around but women who are really good, who when they meet their real men they fall in love and have that state of mind to hook to him forever. You have to push a woman till her back enters the wall before she can do stuff like that.

Did you feel anything for Nobert Young?
No, because I have known Nobert from when we did radio together. We have been friends for a long time before we got paired in Edge of Paradise. And we come from the same state when it was still Bendel. He is from Delta while I’m from Edo State so we are like brother and sister.

As an actress, have you had crush on anybody?
Not crush. I was star struck with Uncle Iria (Enakhimio) because as a child I had always looked forward to seeing him until he eventually became my director on radio, and I admired him for his voice and his dashing look. That was all, so I would say I was star struck.

Are we going to see more of you in Nollywood, and what should we expect from you?
In 2013, I want to marry my talent; I have been an underdog for too long. But it doesn’t mean I am not going to be choosy on the kind of work I do. I am also proud of the fact that major jobs are about to open. I want to work on a talk show on radio before the end of the year.

When did you start acting?
When I was a little girl, I used to watch TV and read novels. It has always been what I wanted to do and when I read those novels I would say to myself that I could do it better. Thirteen years ago, I started acting when I featured in a radio drama, I Need To Know.

What school did you attend?
I attended St. Soweto Primary School, Apapa, Awori Comprehensive High School, Awori all in Lagos for my secondary school education. I later went to Ahmadu Bello University where I had Diploma in Insurance. I finally proceeded to Lagos State University for my first degree in CRS.

How many children do you have, and how old are they?
My first son is 29, my second is 20 and my daughter is 12.

How come your marriage is 22 and you have a 29 year-old child?
The first child is from my first marriage.

What went wrong in your first marriage?
Firstly, I married at a very tender age. When I got into the university I met this guy and I fell in love with him being a first child. When I met my present husband, I knew he really loved me; he doesn’t have any problem with the children.

What is your advice to upcoming artistes?
Like I always say, hold on to your dream, be focus, make sure you know the thing you need to know, be truthful to yourself and with God, you will achieve your dreams.

What did you not do right in your first marriage?
It took me a long time to get over the bitterness I felt towards my first husband. I started from this point and I have looked through it and I would say I didn’t do anything wrong. I was just a young girl who fell in love with a wrong person. I loved him so much that I even thought that him beating me was his act of showing me how much he loved me. That was how stupid in love I was with him. So, it took me a long time to let him go and forgive him in my mind. I was ready to chuck everything just to be with him.

Was it not your fault that you fell in love with a wrong person?
It wasn’t, we met in university and he was like any normal young man, that interested me and I liked him, he never showed me the ‘box-into-the-corner’ part of him. If I had seen that I wouldn’t have gone all the way with him to the point of marriage. All I knew was he was very jealous of me. If we went out, any young man that looked at me, he would scream at the man and asked why he should look at me. I thought he loved me deeply too. If you tell me I made a wrong choice I would say yes but it wasn’t intentional.

What do you tell your children about your experience?
For my boys, there is a laid down rule. I would not take it from them to call their sister name or be unnecessarily nasty or be physical with her. I would not even accept it, so they know they can’t be physical with women they have relationship with. I’m a very private person, and if I like you I would be open to a fault, so I am very open to my children, I share my life experience with them, I let them know what is going down. With my daughter, I would talk about anything and everything. I don’t shy away from anything because she is going to be exposed to it, so she’d better known the intricacies of what it entails, if she is not watching it on TV, she is hearing it on radio or read it online.

Did you tell her not to kiss?
From when she started going to school, at age three plus, I started telling her about how her body is her private space, that ‘I don’t care how close the person is, he shouldn’t touch you, if any of such happens let me know’. I don’t call virginal ‘pp’. So, I tell her ‘if anybody touches your virginal tell me this person touched my virginal and not pp.’ I break it down because we always underestimate the wisdom and intelligence of children, they are very intelligent. Like I am watching TV with my daughter and it gets to the scene where people start kissing, I don’t tell her to close her eyes, rather I tell her that is what happens between adults. She needs to know, I don’t want her learning it outside, so I am very open with them.

How do you see your second marriage for you to have a man that truly loves you?
One day, my in-law looked at me and said he would give me a Yoruba name, waremilekun because I complement my husband. I said no, rather I would name my husband, Oluwaremilekun because comparing him to my first husband, I probably would be dead by now, but my husband is a fantastic person.

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