Friday, April 19, 2013

Opemipo Jaji facing life sentence for Raping schoolgirl last November

Opemipo Jaji is facing a life sentence for attacking an 11-year-old girl
Opemipo Jaji the teenage paedophile viciously raped a girl of 11 while he was on probation for another sex crime.
Opemipo Jaji – who was ‘obsessed with little white girls’ – dragged the girl into a park after she got off a bus from school.
She had tried to run away from him, but he caught up with her before repeatedly raping her over a three-hour period.
After the attack, the girl told police she tried to escape twice, but Jaji threatened to stab her, saying ‘I am this close to killing you’.
The attack took place 90 minutes after the 18-year-old had been seen by his  probation officer.

Continue reading to watch as cctv catches peadophile moments before attack:

The trainee chef now faces life in jail after he was found guilty of the November rape at the Old Bailey yesterday.
Serious questions over how the authorities handled Jaji were raised last night after it emerged he was convicted of another sexual assault a year earlier.

In September 2011 he admitted attacking a 12-year-old in the same area of north London. He forced her to strip after grabbing her on her way home from school.

Jaji was sent to a young offenders’ institution for five months, but he was not registered as a sex offender.

Within weeks of his release he was convicted of possessing the most obscene category of images of child abuse after downloading videos of white girls.

He was given an 18-month youth rehabilitation order which required him to be supervised by the probation service.

Jaji attended a meeting with a probation officer as part of his ‘rehabilitation’ on the afternoon he raped the schoolgirl in Enfield, north London.

Culled -Dailymail

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