Friday, May 17, 2013

5 Sure Ways To Know If Your Girlfriend Is About To Dump You

Hey Guys...Do Y'all Want  To Know If Your Girlfriend Is About To Dump You?

Ok read below....5 bullets.

1. First, observe if your girlfriend is going out on weekends more than usual, and only invites you at the last minute. This is a common way that women try to distance themselves from boyfriends who are going to be kicked to the curb. Even if you feel slighted by being left out, make a point of going out with her and having fun.
2. Notice if your girlfriend suddenly nags you less than usual. Nagging is a form of caring, albeit, an annoying one. A partner who has stopped nagging has stopped caring. What can you do if your girlfriend no longer fusses over your habits and hygiene? Start improving the things she usually complains about; clean up more often, and surprise her with a nice gift. If you show her that you still care, she will warm up again.

Continue reading after the cut...

3. Observe for changes in appearance, particularly a new hair color and cut. Many women change their hair after a break up, and many also do it right before. If she changes her hair to a color and cut that you have always said you don’t like, consider it a sign of rebellion and disconnect.

4. Pay attention to how she talks about or acts around male friends of yours or hers. If she suddenly starts flirting with other males in front of you, or constantly talks them, it may be a passive-aggressive way to make YOU to break it off. Some women don’t like to be the one who ends a relationship, and will instead manipulate their boyfriends into a jealous fit.

5. If you notice more signs of distance and disrespect from your partner, open up a conversation to find out what’s going on. Prepare to go on with life without her if she doesn’t want to discuss it. Also keep in mind that these signals to not guarantee that your girlfriend is going to dump you, but they are simple classic signs

Now you know...Guys watch outtttt!

Drop a comment....thanks!

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