Monday, May 20, 2013

Is your home properly insured?

’Nimi Akinkugbe

We live in uncertain times. Violent floods and storms, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes and so on; such disasters have one thing in common; they are catastrophic risks that rarely affect you in your lifetime, but if they do happen, the consequences can be devastating. The problem with catastrophic risk is that because it is so rare, it can be badly underestimated. Yet, being prepared for a catastrophe can save you from untold distress.
How fortunate we have been in Nigeria, yet global climate change seems to have affected even our local weather; heavy rains fall during the harmattan season and we have long dry spells in the thick of the rainy season with exceptionally hot weather climbing to scorching temperatures.
When the rains come; the downpours are often unusual in their intensity and have caused flooding in many areas. The weather has never been more unpredictable.

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Such vagaries can have serious effects on your home and are just one of the things that should remind you of your homeowner’s insurance.
Homeowners insurance gives protection to the physical home from the risks of floods, fire, and other natural disasters. It is the physical home, the bricks and mortar that if severely damaged or destroyed can have dire consequences. Do you have adequate insurance cover?
Bunmi and Bayo Ajala lived in a bungalow in Lekki Phase II which they bought for N8,000,000 nine years ago. Soon after they moved into the house, The Ajalas began to undertake major home improvements and added an extra bedroom, and fully modernised the kitchen and bathrooms. A few years later they replaced the tiles in the living and bedroom areas and more recently, replaced the entire roof. All these enhancements and renovations significantly increased the value of their home and it was their pride and joy.
One evening as they prepared to retire for the night there was a sudden power surge, the lights droned loudly and became very bright, then there was a popping sound and a strong smell of burning. There were no fire extinguishers in the house, so Bayo rushed out to get the car extinguishers whilst Bunmi started searching and calling around for a fire brigade number which wasn’t one that you could easily recall during an emergency. Bayo and the household staff tried to fight the fire but it spread so rapidly and they soon had to abandon their efforts and evacuate the house. The fire brigade arrived within half an hour, but sadly as they were trying to douse the fire they ran out of water; before long the house was completely gutted. Fortunately no one was injured and no life lost.
The market value of the Ajala’s property had risen steadily over the years and before the disaster it was worth about N40,000,000. However, they had continued to insure the structure for its original value, which kept their premiums nice and steady but this meant that the house was underinsured.
How much would it cost to rebuild your home if it was severely damaged in a flood or gutted by fire? Can you afford to rebuild it to its original dimensions and quality? Be conscious of the fact that the value of your home insurance may have lagged behind its replacement cost. We all know how the costs of building materials escalate with inflation each year. If there has been severe structural damage this could well include demolition costs plus engineering and other professional fees.
Have there been additions to your house since the last time you renewed your policy? Perhaps you modernised and enlarged the kitchen, built another bathroom or an extension? Don’t ignore any outside improvements; you might have had extensive landscaping done or a swimming pool added. Whenever you make significant improvements to your house, inform your insurance company so that cover may be adjusted to reflect these additional costs. Your premiums will go up, but at least you won’t find yourself unable to replace your property in the event of a disaster.
It is important to review your homeowner’s policy annually as it comes up for renewal. Don’t just get your office to forward the same premium cheque you have been sending to your insurance company each year. Assess exactly what you need and then work with your agent to design the best package for you; you might need to upgrade the policy to one that covers your most significant risks. For example, do you live in an area that has begun to flood? If you know that you face an increased risk of flooding you can opt for additional coverage for such an eventuality.
Bear in mind that standard homeowner’s policies may exclude some catastrophic risks. The onus is on you to read the fine print to see exactly what is included and excluded. The worst time to find out that you are underinsured is when you have tried to make a claim and discover that the amount you are covered for cannot cover the cost of repairs or replacement.
According to a recent US survey, two out of every three homes are underinsured.  I wonder what our statistics are in Nigeria. The important thing to note is that insurance is a critical part of your financial life that you cannot afford to ignore. Make sure that you are one of the few people that actually take the time to review insurance policies and adjust as necessary. Remember, having adequate insurance on your home is your responsibility.

-Nimi Akinkugbe ( 

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