Monday, May 13, 2013

Make your skin glow, flawless

The use of numerous cosmetics to make your skin beautiful does not guarantee a healthy, glowing skin in the long run. It is best to create a glowing skin for yourself the right way. All the tinted moisturizer in the world won’t create the luminous look of a face whose body is happy and healthy.

Embrace these tips: Drink green smoothies Just like the rest of your body, your skin thrives on vitamins and minerals.
Blend green fruits and vegetables and drink them daily. Green smoothies are a simple and fast way to get your daily recommendation of vitamins such as Vitamins A and C, and drinking one every morning will get your skin glowing in no time.

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Consistent exercise
It may be hard work to stick to a consistent exercise plan between careers and meetings, parenting and errand running, but it is profitable for your body if you find out time to exercise. If you take good care of your body, your skin will reflect it.
Just create time for regular exercise. Drink Water Although drinking water alone won’t improve the skin’s appearance, it’s a much better alternative than most other drinking options. Stop your soda intake, it’s unhealthy for you.

Wear sunscreen
As a woman who is her 30s and above, never leave the house without applying sunscreen all over your face, neck and hands. You will save your skin a whole lot of harshness.

Eat fruits and vegetables
Your skin is your largest organ, and if you are regularly sustaining it with soda and potato chips, it might not look optimal. Steer clear of processed foods, and fill your diet with fruit, vegetables, and lean protein. It doesn’t mean you have to deprive yourself of a treat once in a while. The key is moderation in all things.

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