Thursday, May 9, 2013

[Must Read]..Quack Journalism and Sensational Headlines - Toni Payne

 Toni Payne has responded angrily to the allegation that Nigerian musician known as Adol dumped her because she was unproductive.

Read below what Toni Payne posted on her website in response to the allegation.

First off let me start by saying it’s easy to ignore people who thrive on bringing others down constantly, but sometimes you just gotta sit back and wonder why they are like this. What happened to make them so vile and what sort of satisfaction do they derive from such, why would one person constantly thrive on creating bad news even when it doesn’t exist, or is it just a case of not knowing any better, as in in their minds they dont see what they are doing wrong? What is it with Sensationalism in the wrong direction? Such is the case of a certain person by the name of Osaremen Ehi James who writes for a certain Nigerian “News” Website. I will refrain from throwing insults but lord knows if I did, it will be well deserved. I want to keep this post as peaceful as possible so ill just get straight to the point.

Continue reading after the cut...

My attention was called to a certain web post in which my former artist ADOL gave an interview. Upon seeing the headline, I knew something was fishy because I knew ADOl wouldn’t say what the SENSATIONAL HEADLINE implied, so i click the link and low and behold, it was Mr James at it again.  To say I wasn’t surprised is an understatement, but at the same time, the fact that I wasn’t surprised, says a lot about how I visualize Mr James person.
Below is the excerpt  that Mr James pulled  from another magazine, followed by the SENSATIONAL HEADLINE that caught my attention. He did not even copy the entire interview ADOL gave to suit his bring her down plan.
……..The interview……..
There is a story making the rounds that you are not on good terms with your manager and that is why you quit working with her, can you clear the air on that?There’s no quarrel between Toni and I and we still talked on phone two days ago. We’ve worked together for close to three years now, the contract that we signed then, has expired and that is the reason why I decided to move ahead by working with other hands and starting afresh with other people.
Are you saying there was no improvement in your career when you were working with Toni?
First of all, I thank God for everything because when I used to worked with Toni we did a lot of things together like shows and promotional works but you know that in this life one needs to keep pushing. I was not comfortable with my career at some point, so I need to step forward and that is part of the reasons why I decided to use other hands because we have different people with different strategies but I can only describe my work with Toni as a step into success.
What are these things you are putting in place to move your career forward? 
Let me first say it here that I’m open to any good label that wants to get involved because my major focus now is how to get my music out there because a lot of things have changed in the industry and if you really want to move on you need to be talented, you need to have good music and money which happens to be another challenge. So at the moment I’m open to anybody that is ready to invest because back then people used to get it twisted about me and Toni, then they thought I was under Toni’s record label but she is my manager and does not own a record label so I’m a free agent at the moment and I’m open to any label that wants to come in.
What are the things you can’t forget about Toni? 
There are so many, so many things I can’t forget about her and working with her is not just like working with anybody. A lot of people who know us will tell you that we normally relate like family, she knows a couple of things about me likewise here too. We advised each other and shared things together apart from the music things, so it’s not possible for me to forget Toni like that and even if I’m not working with her again I can always get her if I need to because we are still very good friends at the moment
You received some awards recently, how does it feel to be recognized?
I feel so happy, I’m so blessed and I thank God for those awards and the different nominations that I’ve been getting. I can also say that its one of the good things that happened to me while working with Toni Payne but I hope to get more this year.

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, AND PLEASE do me a huge favor, read the interview above again and help me ask Mr Osaremen Ehi James how he came up with the headline
” I Dumped Toni Payne Because She Wasn’t ‘Productive’–Adol”
I looked at the interview over and over and could not find where Adol said such and also could not see any statement that was even close to such for Mr James to come up with such a headline.
Please help me ask Mr James what does he stand to gain by always trying to bring hard working people down because this is not a first and im a very sure it won’t be a last. I know without a doubt, Mr James will read this and his Ego will feel the need to attack me even more but guess what, WHO GOD HAS BLESSED, NO MAN CAN CURSE.
He had tried for years to bring me down with bogus writeups and SENSATIONAL headlines, yet im still standing stronger so why not just give up?. Mr James, I bid you to either show me proof that ADOL said those words in your headline, or please I take God beg you, stop making a mockery of the profession Journalism and stop taking your readers for a ride.
I can remember a few months back, I was the first to announce on twitter that I no longer wanted to do artist management and wanted to focus on my PR company, emphasizing on publicity, which I felt was a right move to make judging from the structure of the industry at the moment.  Unfortunately, my decision saw me leaving a super talented brand I had pushed for so long, it was an incredibly hard decision to make but at the end of the day, I had to do what felt right, I am allowed to make certain sacrifices for growth.  If ADOL gets a label today and they call on me to promote his music, I would never say no.  Yeah, If I know that I am a good promoter, if I wish to focus on that, is that a crime? If I wish to grow my company in one direction, is that a crime?  O ma gaaaa oooo.
Adol and I had a good laugh about it tonight but guess what it doesn’t change the fact that we have this influx of Copy and Paste bloggers in Nigeria who simply copy verbatim from another blog, without even reading or verifying the headline or story.  It also does not change the fact that some see these headlines and believe it without reading the full story. It doesn’t change the fact that, what is meant to draw traffic to their website could be done at the detriment of another’s hard work. It doesn’t change the fact that it is totally unfair. Imagine if we were not close, they would have tried and probably succeeded in creating bad blood where there isn’t.



Why would someone want to tanish Toni Payne's reputation or image? This unfairf!

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