Wednesday, May 15, 2013

[Read]...Is the prediction that Nigeria will disintegrate by 2015 coming to reality?

HOW has Nigeria degenerated to this low level of animal behaviour of killing one another across the country? Nigerian leaders appear helpless. When as a people we collectively surrendered our sovereignty to the state to take care of all, it is the expectation that the state will protect us all. It will act in the best interest of all of us. Nigerians are afraid of their safety in almost every part of the country and the North East in particular. At a time, many well meaning Nigerians thought that the problem was about corruption and power failure, but now insecurity has taken over.
With what is happening nation wide, killings, kidnappings and hostage taking, the President that Nigerians have collectively mandated to act on their behalf owe Nigerians a duty to come out strong and call the shots. He has to face the security challenges. He should be the President he was elected to be and must come out of his shell and rule as a man. He owes no one any apology to do the needful to secure the country. It is better for a man to answer his father’s name for posterity to hold him in high esteem than for him to bury his father’s name and answer the name of a stranger.

Continue after the cut....

It is very clear from all indications that not enough is being done to address the security challenges. Or is it that Mr. President and the service chiefs are afraid of certain set of people? Or is it because of 2015 election? Mr. President should say to hell with second term and come down heavily on those promoting trouble in the country whoever they may be. The President cannot be passive about this security challenge. One thing is clear in all of this.  The President has failed in his constitutional duty to defend and protect the people he swore to protect thus far. He should go to the root of these security challenges. The state of insecurity must be attributed to the menace of the extremist/criminals to security lapses, everything in this country is being polarised even to the security agencies. All they now do is to promote their religion instead of protecting Nigeria.
Closing theborders
The President has several options to tackle this menace once and for all. He should as a matter of urgency declare a state of emergency in any part of the country where criminals in what ever name are reigning supreme. He should close the borders and begin an immediate house to house search for arms, weapons and criminals. Until the menace is solved the borders should remain closed. When criminals were terrorizing Nigeria from Benin Republic, Obasanjo simply closed the land borders and a week later, Tijani who was the brain behind the criminal activity was handed over by Beninois authority to Nigeria. Just last month in the United States of America, the government shut down Botson and Waterfront town in search of two terrorists who killed a policeman and three civilians at the Botson marathon bombing. Botson residents were asked to stay indoors. Rail, road water and air transport in Botson were shut down, no movement until the criminal was taken into custody. Why should this government be afraid in applying the same principles? This government should as a matter of national urgency overhaul its security system. Mr. President must realize that he can only be president if there is Nigeria. With what is going on across the country the stage is being set for the unexpected. What that may be is a guess for all.
President Jonathan must act now to avoid the prediction from USA that Nigeria may disintegrate by 2015. Nigeria occupies an enviable position in the world with abundant natural and human resources. The President should look deeper in order to find a lasting solution to this carnage. This President should not allow this country to disintegrate.
Nigeria, as a country,  does not have a record of arms and bomb manufacturing. The citizens at this time are tired with the usual press releases issued anytime a crisis happens. This is a challenge to Mr. President. The Federal Government must move urgently to shake up the security apparatus to assure Nigerians and the international community of its capacity to guarantee the security of lives and property in the country.


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