Monday, June 24, 2013

BBA8 The Chase: Nomination Update - Annabel, Bolt and Natasha are Nominated…again!

Nominations: Off with their pretty little headsNominations: Rubies gunning for Natasha and Sulu


All of the beauty in the world cannot save you from being thrown under the bus by your fellow Housemates during Nominations. This is something that was proven once again by the Diamonds this week.
Today the Diamonds drew out their daggers and aimed straight at Annabeland Dillish’s pretty little hearts. Annabel and Dillish led the pack with four Nominations. According to Housemates the former Head of House is a little dictator that wants things always done her way. “She hardly incorporates others ideas,” Hakeem complained to Biggie about the Kenyan.

Continue reading to see all Nomination for possible eviction....

As for the Dillish, it seems that the young psychology student thinks that she can get by on just her good looks and not do anything in the House. Well her fellow Diamonds have had enough and they want her gone for good.
Following closely behind the dames were Hakeem and Nando who both received three Nominations.
This is how the Diamonds Nominated:
Dillish: Hakeem and Selly
Melvin: Nando and Bimp
Beverly: Annabel and Selly
Selly: Annabel and Dillish
Bimp: Annabel and Maria
Hakeem: Dillish and Annabel
Maria: Hakeem and Nando
Annabel: Hakeem and Beverly
Cleo: Dillish and Nando
Nando (HoH): Dillish and Maria


The Rubies will not rest until Natasha is booted out of The Chase, if today’s Nominations are anything to go by. For the fourth consecutive time the outspoken Malawian received the highest number of Nominations from her fellow Housemates. Last week Natasha took the announcement of her Nomination very hard and was an emotional wreck for most of the week. We can only imagine how she is going to take the new this week.
But Natasha head is not alone on the chopping block as she tied with Sulu with four Nominations. After managing to go five week’s unscathed, today the Zambian’s lucky break came to a screeching halt. It is clear from the Housemates’ comments that the Zambian’s disorderly conduct when drunk has gotten under their skin. “He is a ticking time bomb,”Pokello mused.
Trailing closely behind them was Bolt who got three Nominations. The Sierra Leonean has managed to already rub up some of the Rubies the wrong way with his cocky ways even though he has only been in the House for a few days.
This how the Rubies Nominated today:
Feza: Pokello, Natasha
Angelo: Elikem, Natasha
Fatima: Pokello, Oneal
Natasha: Elikem, Bolt
Oneal: Sulu, Bassey
Bolt: Sulu, Natasha
Sulu: Bolt, Fatima
Pokello: Bolt, Sulu
Elikem: Sulu, Natasha
Bassey: Feza, Angelo


The verdict has been delivered and the Housemates are now well aware of who might have to pack their bags and leave on Sunday night.

It’s always sad to see the faces of the Nominees as their names are called out. But fortunately for Hakeem, he knew he’d make Nominations tonight, so he wasn’t entirely surprised. He took it like a man instead, with his woman next to him.

For the second time in a row, HoH Nando was nominated and he wasn’t too chuffed about that. Clearly he forgets that there are fellow Chasers like Bolt, Annabel and Natasha who live under the Nominations knife. This week was no different for these three as they made it into Nominations yet again. Clearly somebody doesn’t want them around anymore. You could even call them ‘The Three Musketeers of Nominations.’

Nando was able to save himself from Nominations and he replaced himself with Namibian beauty, Maria. It’s a good thing he was HoH this week otherwise things could’ve gone seriously wrong for this Tanzanian charmer.

The Rubies HoH, Feza, chose to save Sulu and replaced him with Pokello. Mmhh, I smell beef and it’s the nasty kind. Could Feza be trying to get rid of the girl who stole her first crush? We’ll probably find out soon.


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