Friday, June 21, 2013

BBA8 The Chase Update: Feza’s Fatima beef?

Feza's Fatima beef?

There was commotion in the House following the Ruby House Wager win.
As is the norm after a Task victory, Big Brother gave the winning House a special treat; seafood and alcohol.
However, as soon as the Store Room was opened, the Rubies had a disagreement about whether to...
drink the alcohol today or save some for Angelo’s birthday tomorrow.
As the debate raged on, feathers were ruffled and some Housemates, Fatima in particular, decided to ditch the drinking suggestion altogether. “Since it’s become such a huge debate, I’ve decided I’d rather not drink today”, the Malawian said.
Later on, as Angelo, Sulu, Oneal and Feza took a breather in the garden, Fezaexpressed just how she feels about Fatima and her wishy-washy ways. “I feel like she needs to be real. Don’t try to be in everyone’s good books all the time. She’s so fake! I was holding myself back from saying something. I will very soon. She’s over 30 years old and if this is the way she acts, she won’t last especially with her cooking and cleaning strategy. Everybody can do that”, Feza said, in a conversation with Sulu.
Should we prepare for fireworks between the two opinionated ladies in the not too distant future? Looks more than likely. If you were to throw Feza and Fatima in a boxing ring, who do you think would win?
Nando, Bolt, Natasha, Oneal, Betty, Elikem and Motamma are up for possible Eviction this week. Vote now to keep your favourite Housemate in the game.


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