Saturday, June 29, 2013

Video: Meet the 20-year-old woman who cries tears of real Blood

tears of blood
Yaritza Oliva
A 20-year-old Chilean woman, Yaritza Oliva, cries tears of blood several times a day. Doctors are mystified by this condition and are unable to figure it out, reports New York Daily News.
A month ago Oliva started to inexplicably bleed from her eyes. The doctors in her hometown of Purranque were unable to help her. Oliva is frantically looking for some doctor who can identify her painful condition.

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Oliva experiences ‘indescribable’ pain while shedding these tears. To ease her pain the local doctors have prescribed eye drops. Doctors have ruled out both eye infection and conjunctivitis. But after a complete medical assessment, doctors suspect that Oliva might be suffering from a rare medical condition known as ‘haemolacria.’ The official diagnosis for this condition is still pending.
Haemolacria’ is a rare physical condition that makes a person shed tears that are partially composed of blood. This could be a symptom of several diseases but this condition could also occur due to a tumor in the lacrimal apparatus that contains the orbital structure for production of tear. In fertile women acute haermolacria occurs due to hormones. Till date documented cases of people with this condition are: Calvino Inman, a 15-year-old who sheds tears of blood 3 times a day, two cases from India have also been reported

– Twinkle Dwivedi and Rashida Khatoon. Dwivedi spontaneously bleeds from her eyes and other parts of body without any wounds and Khatoon cries tears of blood five times a day and faints after every weeping.Oliva’s parents cannot afford the medical treatment and are seeking help from friends and neighbors to raise funds for their daughter’s treatment. Her father Jose Oliva, an out-of-work carpenter, has made an appeal in the local news program.
“If we had money to take her to do everything possible, and we had done. It’s painful for you,” he told 24 Horas. “Please put your hands over your hearts, see our situation and help my daughter.”

We sincerely hope Yaritza gets help.

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