Tuesday, July 2, 2013

[MUST READ]...Your Health: 20 Simple Ways To Prevent Cancer

According to Cancer Research UK, preventing cancer doesn’t work in the same way as using vaccines to prevent infectious diseases and not all cancers are preventable… but with a few lifestyle changes, one can reduce the risk of the disease as per a report in the dailyexpress. Our expert Dr. K. M. Sunesara – General Physician, Mumbai, shares a list of 20 best lifestyle changes that can help you reduce the risk of several types of cancer. Adopt these simple changes or habits, to lead a cancer-free life.

Simple Ways to Prevent Cancer # 1: Ditch those pans with scratches
If your frying-pan is too old and filled with scratches, then replace it right away, says Dr. Sunesara. You need to ditch the pans with scratches because it can increase your risk at developing cancer tremendously. Pans with scratches allow PFOA acid (perflurooctanic acid) to seep into your food. This acid is associated with birth and developmental defects and cancer. It is present on pans, which aid in cooking food without sticking. Hence, use non-stick and stain-resistant products with utmost care.

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Simple Ways to Prevent Cancer # 2: Quit smoking
Smoking even one cigarette a day increases your chance of developing cancer of the lung, bladder, kidney, throat and mouth. The only way to lower your chances of getting any type of cancer is by removing smoking from your life. Secondhand smoke is also very dangerous because it contains approximately more than 60 known carcinogens. Hence, reduce your exposure to smoke to prevent cancer in the long run.
Simple Ways to Prevent Cancer # 3: Practice sun-safety measures
Though sun is one of the best sources of absorbing vitamin D into your body, it also increases your risk of developing skin cancer if proper precautions are not taken. To prevent skin cancer, Dr. Sunsesara says avoid UV ray exposure, wear sunscreen when venturing out, wear protective clothing when outdoors and avoid mid-day sunlight as far as possible.
Simple Ways to Prevent Cancer # 4: Maintain a healthy weight
Obesity or being overweight also increases your chances of developing various types of cancers. In order to prevent cancer, lose weight if you are obese. Aim to achieve a healthy weight to reduce your risk of cancer by measuring your BMI regularly.
Simple Ways to Prevent Cancer # 5: Go for a cancer check-up
Go for a routine cancer check-up at least once a year. This procedure will help you diagnose if there are any cancerous cells in the body. An early detection is ten times better than treating the cancer symptoms. Prevent the growth of cancer much before it bears its seed in your body by going for a regular check-up.
Simple Ways to Prevent Cancer # 6: Choose fruits and vegetables
Change your diet by adding five servings of fruits and vegetables to your diet. This change will help to lower the risk of cancer drastically. Include lots of fresh green leafy vegetables to your diet like spinach and replace your regular snacks with a bowl of fresh and colourful fruits.
Simple Ways to Prevent Cancer # 7: Keep moving
Physical activity not only helps to prevent types of cancer but it also benefits your overall health. So, get moving right away, play your favourite sports or exercise for as little as 30 minutes to reduce your cancer risk.
Simple Ways to Prevent Cancer # 8: Choose water over hand sanitisers
Your hand sanitiser and body soap can harm you more than doing good to your body, because of the presence of antibacterial ingredient – triclosan. This ingredient is found mostly in all cleansing products like liquid soaps and many body care products. Over use of these products filled with triclosan can cause irritation, hormone disruption and cancer.
Dr. Sunsesara says choose plain soap or just water, because they are as effective as antibacterial soap.
Simple Ways to Prevent Cancer # 9: Limit your alcohol consumption
Heavy consumption of alcohol can increase your risk for many types of cancer. Hence, drink in moderation and less frequently.
Simple Ways to Prevent Cancer # 10: Know your family history
Get stats about your family history, because certain types of cancer like colon, breast and ovarian cancer runs in the family. If you have a family history of any type of cancer, then talk to your doctor. Your doctor can help to reduce the risk of cancer considerably with the help of screening and diet plan.
Simple Ways to Prevent Cancer # 11: Stay stress-free
Stress is bad for your overall health as it is one of the prominent factors, which breaks down your immune system and puts you at a higher risk to develop cancer. Hence, eliminate stress from your life by taking up meditation or by practicing your favourite hobby.
Simple Ways to Prevent Cancer # 12: Use technology safely
Use your cell phone less frequently, because the frequencies which are emitted from your phone can damage your brain. According to the Cancer Panel Report, the frequency can damage your brain cells and can cause brain cancer in the long run. Use your phone only for short calls or text and use a hands-free device to reduce the effect.
Simple Way to Prevent Cancer # 13: Eat less meat
Too much meat consumption can increase your cancer risk. Skip processed meat and instead choose fish or poultry. If you want to eat meat then choose lean cuts and eat in small propotion.
Simple Way to Prevent Cancer # 14: Wash your fruits and vegetables thoroughly
The sparkling red apple which you brought from the market can make you sick with cancer. Many of the fruits and vegetables are sprayed with pesticides to keep bugs at bay. When you eat these pesticide-rich foods without washing it thoroughly, you can put yourself at a high risk of various types of cancer; pesticides are carcinogenic in nature. Therefore wash your food thoroughly before adding it to your dish. Or you can choose organic food.
Simple Way to Prevent Cancer # 15: Follow safe sex
Studies say that by practicing safe sex you can prevent yourself from getting HPV – a sexually transmitted disease that can cause cervical cancer. Safe sex will also prevent you from contracting HIV which can damage your immune system and you may develop cancer. Thus, always practice safe sex for your good health.
Simple Ways to Prevent Cancer # 16: Avoid unnecessary scans
Though CT scans and X-rays are one of the best diagnostic tools available, but its overuse can put you at a higher risk of developing cancer. The high rays emitted from these diagnostic tools can trigger leukemia, so avoid unnecessary scans or prefer substitutes if possible.
Simple Ways to Prevent Cancer # 17: Try baking instead of frying
Studies state that cancer-causing compounds are produced when meat is grilled or fried. These cancer-causing compounds are formed when the fat from the meat drips into the flame. Thus, to prevent cancer try baking, steaming or boiling method.
Simple Ways to Prevent Cancer # 18: Never ignore pain
If you experience pain or bloating for several days, then don’t ignore these signs by just popping any ordinary pill. These signs can be symptoms of certain types of cancer. Thus, whenever you experience any types of pain, seek medical help immediately.
Simple Way to Prevent Cancer # 19: Filter your water
Your tap water can be loaded with various carcinogenic and hormone-disrupting chemicals. Thus make a habit of always filtering your water before consuming it.
Simple Ways to Prevent Cancer # 20: Drink lots of water
Drinking plenty of water and other liquids may reduce the risk of bladder cancer by diluting the concentration of cancer-causing agents in urine and helping to flush them through the bladder faster. Thus consume sufficient amount of water throughout the day.

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