Wednesday, July 3, 2013

[Read]...10 things women love to hear

Read Some interesting tips on "10 Things Women Love To Hear"...

1. "You're very smart."
Women want to be appreciated for their intelligence. By acknowledging her intelligence, you're communicating that you recognize her brains and not just her figure.

Continue reading after the cut...

2. "You are the most beautiful woman I know."
Aside from making her feel aesthetically superior to other women, this remark will put her on a pedestal among her peers and give her an ego boost. She'll feel good about herself and will also feel less threatened by other women when they are around you. This phrase is particularly effective in long-term relationships, as you're assuring your woman that she's still hot.

3. "You're my best friend."
Want to assure her that you are the kind of man who's not just with her for her looks? All you need to do is to tell her that she is not just the love of your life, but also your best friend. Telling her how you feel above and beyond a sexual context will make her feel overpoweringly connected to you.

4. "I am so proud of you."
Telling your woman how proud you are of her for working hard to achieve her goals and showing your loving support will make her heart melt.

5. "You're perfect just the way you are."
This statement says that you've accepted her completely. Giving her an ego boost like that makes her feel cognizant about how much you openly and willingly accept her flaws.

6. "I don't want to be with anyone else."
This expression of enduring commitment says that she has become an essential, indispensable ingredient in your life and that you couldn't live without her. This is a heavy line; it's not many degrees away from proposing to her, so only say this if you truly mean it.

7. "What do you feel/think about [anything]?"
Women love to express their feelings on every topic imaginable. Asking this question tells your lady that you respect her views and that you're genuinely concerned about her feelings and opinions.

8. "How was your day?"
Asking about her day assures that you're willing to lend her your pair of ears and focus on what she has to say.

9. "You're great in bed."
Praising her performance in bed makes her feel like she really knows how to satisfy you and indicates that you appreciate her performance between the sheets.

10. "I love you."
Few men realize or appreciate the power of saying "I love you." By saying those three magic words (when you really mean it), you're acknowledging an attachment to your woman and satisfying her most basic emotional need--to know how her man feels about her and to hear it. abuse the words. Remember--saying this just to smooth over mistakes or as a precursor to every word out of your mouth won't fill her with delight.

Culled -theBeat99/MariaOkan

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