The war of the sexes will always continue because men and women are just too different in creation. Both members of the opposite sex have the way they think about the other and it will only take another recreation to change these set down concepts about the opposite sex. This article tries to falsify various myths or facts that women have about men.
Men Think About Sex All Day
False. The statistic one frequently hears is that sexual thoughts cross a man’s mind every seven seconds. This couldn’t be further from the truth. According to the Kinsey Institute, 54 percent of men think about sex every day, but 43 percent only consider it a few times a month or a few times a week, while four percent make it the whole month before pondering the subject.
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Men Aren’t As Talkative As Women
False. When researchers have tried to compare the number of words used by both men and women in the same situation, the differences were negligible. If anything, studies show men talk a little bit more.
Men Don’t Like to Commit
False. This one is blamed on the 80/20 rule. I’ve seen firsthand from my clients that men commit at the same rate as women. The issue comes in with a small percentage of men (the 20 percenters) who habitually enter and leave relationships aka “The Commitment Phobes.”
Men Don’t Like to Be Asked Out
False. I write about this extensively in my new book, It’s Complicated - But It Doesn’t Have To Be. Everyone appreciates being admired and having someone show enough interest to ask you out is the ultimate showing of flattery. What people don’t want is to be asked out by people they don’t like (or don’t find attractive).
Men Don’t Have Feelings
False. There is definitely a different socialisation that happens in adolescence among boys and girls as it relates to being “touchy or feely” but essentially, feelings come from an area in the brain both women and men have. The amygdala is a part of the brain both men and women have that controls our emotional responses.
Men Are Intimidated By Strong Women
False. The word intimidated is the most misused word in dating. Yes, some men (just as some women) are intimidated in certain scenarios (like getting set up on a blind date with Grace Jones) but most of the time, like 99% of the time, men are not intimidated (but attracted) to strong women. Well, at least they admitted that some of them are intimidated by strong women.
Foot or Hand Size Correlates With Penis Size
False. Researchers at University College London say there is no evidence linking a man’s shoe or hand size to the length of his penis. After measuring the vital parts of hundreds of men, they concluded that the theory has no scientific basis. The ability to predict the size of a man’s penis by observing his shoe size is a common misconception says Dr. Jyoyi Shah.
Men Don’t Gossip
False. This is what the men believe because the ladies already know that they do gossip. The Social Issues Research Centre, a nonprofit think tank, has conducted numerous studies on gossip (and how it affects our lives) have found that 33 percent of men indulge in gossip daily or almost every day — compared with 26 percent of women. Yes, men gossip more than women! This one is true but the men would never term it gossip but they give it all sorts of political terminologies like discussion or gist.
A Man Is His Job
For most men, the pressures of work stem from two things: a desire to excel at something (a principle of manhood we were taught as boys) and a need to contribute to the well-being of our families. But duty is not the same as identity, and what one does is not the same as who one is. This is true for women, too. But culturally, men are more defined by their professions, which can keep their passions – what really identifies them – invisible. Talking with men about their interests is a great way to get away from the conventional ways they are seen – even how they see themselves – which will help ensure a more unconventional (and improved) masculinity.
A Woman’s Looks Are Everything
Non, nein, nope. A woman’s beauty is a thing to behold, and sometimes we can behold it at the wrong times (like when passing another woman on the sidewalk). But that’s just visual titillation. The stimulus that matters most reaches our hearts and minds. A woman with a laser-like intelligence, sharp sense of humour and a compassionate soul – now, that’s a centrefold.
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