Tuesday, September 17, 2013

[YOUR HEALTH] Staying slim at menopause (2)

Testosterone: Testosterone helps your body to create lean muscle mass out of the calories that you take in. Muscle cells burn more calories than fat cells do, thereby increasing your metabolism. In natural menopause, levels of testosterone drop, resulting in the loss of muscle. Unfortunately, this means a lower metabolism rate. The lower your metabolism is, the slower your body burns calories.
Hormone replacement therapy
There are some misconceptions about hormone replacement therapy that, if followed, can make you gain weight during menopause.
 The first misconception is that decreased oestrogen levels is the main reason for many of the uncomfortable symptoms of menopause such as hot flushes, sweating and mood swings, to mention but a few. We now know that the deficiency in oestrogen is not the cause of these menopausal symptoms.

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Actually, this false/incorrect theory was encouraged by the pharmaceutical industry so they could sell their synthetically fabricated oestrogen. The unfortunate resultant effect of synthetic oestrogen, apart from causing breast cancer and other side effects, is that it always leads to significant weight gain.
Another misconception is that using “natural” oestrogen, called phytoestrogens from plant sources such as flaxseed, soya, evening primrose oil and fish oil, instead of synthetic oestrogen, will be better for and reduce the risk of breast and other cancers. Such natural sources of oestrogen should not lead to breast cancer; however, their use could result in weight gain due to their oestrogenic reactions in the body.
New research has shown that it is the decline in progesterone that causes most of the menopausal symptoms and progesterone replacement will normally stop most of these symptoms. Again, the progesterone must be from natural, plant-derived sources, and not from synthetic sources. Bio- identical sources of progesterone will not lead to weight gain and will also reduce water retention, making you feel and look a lot better. The best type of progesterone is in the form of creams, which are rubbed onto the body. They are easily absorbed through the skin, rather than in the form of pills, which have to be taken orally, digested through the system and the liver and add unnecessary toxic load on the body.
More on weight gain
Insulin resistance: Insulin resistance can occur during the menopausal years. This is when your body turns every calorie you take into fat. Most women follow a low fat, high carbohydrate diet. After a while, processed and refined food may make your body resistant to insulin produced in the blood stream. This is often a cause of weight gain after age of 40.
Stress: Stress is also a contributing factor in weight gain in menopause. Stress hormone can prevent weight loss, as they signal to your body to go into storage mode. This is referred to as the “famine effect” — your body, thinking it won’t get food for a long time, stores every calorie it takes in, causing weight gain. Indeed, the stress factor has been linked to adrenal stress and adrenal fatigue, which in turn affect your ability to metabolise carbohydrates. When you cannot metabolise carbohydrates, then you become insulin resistant — a pre-diabetic condition that causes weight gain.
Prevent/reverse weight gain
There is no magic formula for avoiding weight gain as you get older. The strategies for maintaining a healthy weight at any age remains the same: watch what you eat and get moving. The most effective approach to reversing weight gain after menopause includes a combination of the following:
Increase your physical activity:  Aerobic exercise boosts your metabolism and helps you burn fat. Strength-training exercises increase muscle mass, boosts your metabolism and strengthens your bones. Do more gardening and dancing. Take longer walks or try biking. Make it your goal to be active for a total of 30 minutes or more a day, on most days. It is for maintaining a healthy body composition, more lean muscle mass and less body fat as you get older.
Reduce calorie intake: The important thing to note is that weight gain is not noticeable overnight, although it occurs overnight. To gain six kilogrammes (14 lbs) in six months, you need to consume around 270 calories more than you need each day. It might sound like a lot, but in reality, it is equivalent to roughly one large packet of crisps, half a bottle of wine, a small bar of chocolate or a couple of slices of toast and butter extra every day.
Take a closer look at your diet. That small addition is what you need to get to the big weight. Pay attention to the food you eat and slightly reduce the amount of calories you consume each day. By choosing a varied diet composed mainly of lean protein and vegetable, you can safely cut back on calories and lose weight. Be careful not to cut back too drastically on calorie intake, or your body will respond by conserving energy, making extra pounds harder to shed.
Decrease dietary fat: Eating large amount of high-fat foods adds excess calories, which can lead to weight gain and obesity. Limit calories from fats to 20-35 per cent of your daily calories. Emphasise on fats from a healthier source, such as nuts and olive oil, palm oil, coconut and avocado oils.
Reduce carbohydrate: With age, many become insulin-resistant, which will reduce the ability to metabolise carbohydrates. To reduce weight gain, you need to cut down on carbohydrates. All highly processed carbohydrates should be removed from the diet. These include sugar, soft drinks, cakes, biscuits, meat pie and white bread. Natural carbohydrate should be eaten in moderation. These include eba, rice, yam, amala and potato. Avoid fruits such as pineapple and mangos, which have a lot of sugar. Instead, eat grape fruit and pawpaw; and plenty of green leafy vegetables.


-Oladapo Ashiru (dapo.ashiru@medicalartcenter.com )

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