Monday, May 12, 2014

READ: Pastors, please stay off hospital wards

God answers all prayers. He may choose to say, ‘yes,’ ‘no’ or ‘wait.’ But every prayer is answered. This is the fundamental truth in religion if you believe in God. For the true believer with a strong faith, you know that He knows it all and makes it all happen. Sometimes, I even wonder why we pray, since our fate is already pre-ordained. But that itself is not the point of this article.
“For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will mislead many” —Matthew 24:5.
There are many mushroom churches springing up on every street in Nigeria. On one street alone in Abuja, there are close to 10 prayer houses: in shops, car garages, even in living rooms and flats. The pastoral ministry is now big business, as pastors rake in millions of Naira in untaxed offerings and donations. Many pastors in Nigeria are previously unemployed people, failed businessmen and criminals disguising in the pastoral ministry. Some are wolves in expensive sheep wool with huge bank accounts. I personally do not care about their business. But, I do care about their interference in medical issues.

Continue reading after the cut....

What the Bible says
The Bible says, ‘Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up. If they have sinned, they will be forgiven.
“Therefore, confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective” —James 5:14.
This is what the Bible says and it is left open to interpretation. The questions, though, are these: Who is your righteous person? Who have you entrusted your faith in? Who is the sinner praying for you? What do you know about your pastor?
Pastors who are pretending and faking healing miracles are a real menace in the society. They do more harm than good and are perhaps best suited for Nollywood films. Unfortunately, they sometimes control the decision-making process for the patient. Patients have, on occasions, asked me to speak to their pastors first before treatment, especially before they undergo emergency surgery. And, if I can convince the pastor, he gives the go-ahead and assurance to the patient. And if not, or if the pastor decides against the care: who benefits?
Pastors holding such sway over the lives and decisions of the patient are a huge societal change that bodes ill will. Some churches and pastors encourage the sick to come for ‘admission,’ child deliveries, vigil, prayers with olive oil and ‘holy water’ while stopping their normal medications.
Some patients with stroke have gone to churches first before presenting to hospital. Did you hear of the HIV patient told by his pastor that God had cured his disease and he no longer needed the medications? He died: with his disease. Or the woman with two previous caesareans: the pastor said she would have a vaginal delivery and so she insisted against her doctor’s wishes. Well, she nearly died along with the baby!

Pastors in the wards
As if these were not enough, pastors are leaving churches and presenting in the wards to offer prayers to the sick. Not content with ‘healing’ patients on numerous altars in backwater churches, Nigerian pastors are now coming into hospitals with white cloths and more olive oil. They touch patients and interfere with treatment. They constitute a nuisance in the wards with prayers, songs, chants and exorcising of the devil. These people bring materials, stuff, their own germs and poisons into the wards to confuse the recovery of the patient. Some even ask for patients to be moved out of the wards to the church for ‘special prayers.’

Complicating issues
Some doctors and nurses complicate our lives with their behaviour and bad practice. Health care professionals diagnosing spiritual attacks and offering patients to pastors and spiritualists harm patients and the profession. Some doctors and nurses also mix medical care and religion in the wards. Praying through loud worship in the wards does not help the poor patient. When patients are poorly treated by medical personnel, they lose faith in modern medicine and seek solace in religion. Proper, diligent care and silent prayers are much more effective.

In conclusion
Pastors should minister on the spiritual plane and not the physical. They should pray for you, not play with your health. Do not allow them to interfere with your treatment. Pastors and prayer groups coming to hospitals to minister to the sick and cause confusion are unwelcome guests. Singing, chanting and other religious activities in our wards are totally unnecessary and risk introduction of infections to the sick. It is time for this to stop!
Pastors should stay away from the hospital and say prayers in the sanctity of their churches.
Last time I heard, God is omnipresent.

NB: I will need your help next week as we solicit funds to help some children with scoliosis (bended or wonky spines). We hope to help them with operations in June 2014.

- Dr. Biodun Ogungbo

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