Monday, May 19, 2014

[YOUR HEALTH] Avoid risk of developing breast cancer (2)

Continued from last week [PART1 ]

Exercise: Studies have shown that women who exercise regularly have a lower risk of breast cancer. Some evidence suggests that circulating levels of estrogen are lower in women who exercise regularly. Body fat is often reduced in women who exercise and body estrogen levels may also be reduced. Exercise may extend the length of a woman’s menstrual cycles. Longer menstrual cycles correspond with fewer cycles over a lifetime, and fewer menstrual cycles can result in less lifetime exposure to estrogen.

Continue reading after the cut...
Reproductive  factors: Women who have not given birth to children or had their first child over the age of 30 are said to be more at risk for breast cancer, while breastfeeding is said to offer some degree of protection against breast cancer. Also, women who had an early menarche, as well as women with late onset of menopause are thought to be more susceptible to this disease due to prolonged exposure to estrogen within the body.
Birth control pills/hormone replacement therapy:  Oral contraceptive pills are known to contain estrogen and may increase the risk for breast cancer in women who use them. The same goes for use of hormonal replacement therapy for menopause. Recent clinical trials have examined postmenopausal treatment with estrogen and progesterone and found that it leads to an increase in the risk of breast cancer and is unlikely to prevent or benefit heart and blood vessel disease.
Exposure to environmental estrogens: Many different chemicals have been identified as being weak environmental estrogens. These include several pesticides (including some forms of DDT), some food preservatives, the industrial detergent by-products nonyl- and octaphenol, compounds used in plastics including bisphenol A and some phthalates, the food dye Red #3, and the solvent formaldehyde which is used in carpet manufacturing, and is still used in making plywood. Heavy metals like nickel and cadmium have also been implicated.
As a woman, it is important to understand how these factors contribute to development of breast cancer so that informed decisions about personal health can be made and adhered to. A woman who is concerned about learning more about these risks and understanding how to prevent breast cancer has an opportunity to do so at Mart Life Detox Clinic.
On initial consultation with the medical staff, the patients are interacted with, examined and investigated along the lines of their particular illness. Further investigations are done using the Asyra machine, which is a body scan that works by electromagnetic waves.
This helps to identify what factors may be causing disease in a patient and we can target our various treatments to eliminate these trigger factors.
 More importantly while at the clinic, our clients are taught and thoroughly educated on lifestyle modifications for healthier living, by seasoned and experienced professionals.
Even for clients who have been diagnosed with breast cancer and are undergoing chemotherapy, or other forms of treatment, our therapies can help to rid the body of the side effects these patients may be experiencing, as well as helping the client to understand what to do on the road to recovery.
Every woman has the responsibility to make sure she never falls victim to this deadly disease by performing regular self breast examination for any lumps or changes within the breast, so that any pathologies can be detected early, by regular exercise and dietary discipline, by being aware of what types of food they should not eat, and guarding themselves against environmental toxins which can affect them negatively.
Life is precious and we owe it to ourselves, our family and friends to make sure we protect our bodies from harm and live life to the fullest.


-Oladapo Ashiru

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