Thursday, May 7, 2015

#UKELECTION2015: Now the talking stops - Britain goes to the polls in the most unpredictable election in a generation

General election LIVE: UK goes to the polls in most uncertain election for years

David Cameron and Ed Miliband have voted this morning as the polls opened in the most unpredictable General Election race for a generation.

An exclusive eve-of-election poll for the Daily Mail by ComRes puts the Conservatives just a point ahead of Labour, though David Cameron has extended a huge lead over Ed Miliband as voters' preferred prime minister.

Some 52 per cent of voters say they would prefer Mr Cameron to continue in Downing Street, with 31 per cent favouring Mr Miliband. T

Continue reading after the cut to see Opinion Poll;

The outcome of the election hangs on a knife-edge as it emerged today that a quarter of voters say they could still change their minds as they arrive today at 50,000 UK polling stations in schools, pubs, houses or even windmills, launderettes and an outdoor swimming pool.

Bad weather will be no excuse for not voting today, as dry and sunny spells look set to replace the wet and windy conditions of the past few days - research in the United States has found that for every inch of rain that falls turnout also drops by one per cent.

To compound the uncertainty, 25 per cent of those likely to vote say they are undecided or may yet switch parties.

Unless there is a last-minute surge to the Conservatives, Britain is facing a Parliament so deadlocked that no stable government can be formed. Bank of England and Treasury officials are understood to have discussed potential responses if there is an extended period of stalemate.

Culled - DailyMail

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