Monday, May 4, 2015

[YOUR HEALTH] Dangers Of Using mouthwash

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Using mouthwash
Many men and women who wish to maintain fresh breath simply take to using mouthwash, even when the doctor has not recommended it for them.
Yet, physicians say it is comparable to laying your mouth bare for bacterial invasion!
Ms. Yombo Albert, a pharmacist, warns that mouthwash products often contain....
unnatural dyes, alcohol, preservatives and unnecessary ingredients that actually do more damage than help in preventing bad breath – if that’s one of the reasons you use them.
She says if the ultimate goal is to have fresh breath, gargling with warm, salty water can kill the bacteria in your mouth with no damage to your health.
Albert adds that if one of the reasons you use the mouthwash is to fight plaque, the best way to achieve that is by brushing properly and regularly.
Dentists say mouthwash can be classified broadly – cosmetic or therapeutic. They note that while rinsing with a cosmetic mouthwash may loosen bits of food from your teeth, lessen bacteria in your mouth, temporarily reduce bad breath and leave a refreshing taste in your mouth, therapeutic mouthwash contains additional active ingredients such as essential oils, chlorhexidine, cetylpyridinium chloride and fluoride, which may reduce plaque or fight cavities.
But then, they are not supposed to be used for extended period, and should, in fact, be used under the supervision of a physician!
Be warned that mouthwashes contain a high amount of alcohol, which can give you dry mouth – one of the causes of bad breath – and irritate oral tissues. Worse, experts say, those that contain alcohol can make your teeth sensitive.
Worse still, dentists warn, mouthwash can stain your teeth or cause a burning sensation, while your sense of taste might also take a bash as you indulge in your oral misadventure.

Culled - Punch
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