Wednesday, June 13, 2012

S.O.S- Kelechi Njoku Needs Our Help!

                Please Kelechi Njoku Needs our help!!!! Please Read! Please Read! Please Read!

Do not skip, Please Read!

Baby Njoku Kelechi C. was only about two weeks old when his parent noticed some changes in him which included fast breathing, sleepless nights and frequent fatigue amongst other things. He had problem ingesting good and had to be fed through his nose. Hospitals they visited gave
several diagnosis which included Malaria, Fever and related ailments until General Health Center at Randle, Surulere referred them to LUTH. On the 21st of October 2011, the result of the diagnosis revealed that Kelechi had a grade 3/6 Systolic Murmur. Simpler terms describes it as an unusual noise in the heart commonly known as a hole in the heart. The Doctor that oversaw his case is Dr E.N Ekure, a consultant Paediatrician with LUTH. The doctor said the baby uses one lung to carry our four different funtions: Carries food, blood, water and air into the body. That’s how scary it can be.
According to LUTH, Kelechi would need to undergo a surgery in India where the facilities for Cardiac surgeries are available. The doctors said treatment has to be done on or before the 27th of December 2011 else the child’s current condition would escalate to other sides of this body. First, one side of this body (the left side) would become paralysed. More recently (this year), the child’s parents where told that further delay of treatments would overtime cause the sickness to spread to and possible damage the brain.
The doctor’s words are surfacing gradually. He has almost lost his left arm to some sort of paralysis (kind of bone related – Pictured above) and uses some kind of rubber brace to support the hand. The parents have being to the National Orthopaedic hospital, Igbobi and a corrective surgery was advised where some kind of bone replacement therapy would be performed. Kelechi can hardly stand up and does with the support of someone if he has to. He is already developing what feels like a lump in his lower back by his waist.
Baby Kelechi now has regular crises, he passes out and could become motionless at anytime. His heart acts like it pauses sometimes and beats unreasonably faster at other times. According to the parents, they have a standby “Okada man” that they can call at anytime to take them to the hosipital and have had cases that has gone as late as 12-1am in the middle of the night. For a while now, the child has been living on drugs and injections which cost them upwards 14,000 naira a piece for a two-week long effect.
The presumption is that all these auxilliary problems would be corrected by the surgery and time is seriously running out.

He needs N4 million for surgery in India. Please go on his website to see how you can help or click on this link:

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