Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Smoking is the inhalation and exhalation of burning fumes from cigarettes, cigars and pipes. 'Igbo', 'Ganja'.
There are different ways
to stop smoking , some experts say using pharmacological products to help wean off nicotine while others say getting advise from counselors and organized programs can also help.
What is Nicotine?  Nicotine is a poisonous volatile alkaloid derived from tobacco (Nicotiana ) and responsible for many of the effects of tobacco; it first stimulates (small doses), then depresses (large doses) at autonomic ganglia and myoneural junctions. Its principal urinary metabolite is cotinine.

Effects of smoking.
Smoking can cause several diseases such as;

• Kidney Cancer
• Bladder Cancer
• Mouth Cancer
• Ovarian Cancer
• Cancer of the Pancreas
• Stomach Cancer.

Advantages of Quitting smoking

Normal Blood level
• Reduction of nicotine from the body
• Normal oxygen level in the body.
• Reduced risk of heart attack
• Nicotine level from the blood will reduce.

Now you know about the consequences of smoking, its up to you to act. Thanks!

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