Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Church Blast- How a plate of food saved my brother's life.

 A parishioner known as David Daniels of St. Finbarrs Catholic Church, Rayfield, Jos has said that his younger brother
would have been a victim of Sunday’s blast if he had not waited for food.
He said Solomon his brother insisted on eating before going for church service, as fate could have it, that singular act turned out to be his saving grace. “The few minutes that my brother took to eat some food left him with only a minor injury as the bomb detonated when he was approaching the gate of the Church.
But unfortunately his friend, who did not wait for him, was not lucky as he was terribly hit by the blast.

Thanks God for using the food to save your life man!


  1. Nobody mentioned about the type of food that saved him so we can stock pile in case? I thank God for your bro's life. Boko haram is a crime against humanity.

  2. God please come to our aid.Before all these it stated in the news that a container load of arms was brought into Nigeria,nobody came back to tell us what happened afterwards.Now people are dying like chickens in the North,can this be put to a halt because it is getting out of hand.Why are people keeping quiet over this issue?Are these not people dying or is it that we no longer place value on lives?

    1. @Anonymous 09:24, i can say that i honestly feel the sincerity in this your comment. This is the best comment i have read today. Again i don't people are keeping instead it is the Bad leaders including the president we have in Government are shying away from nipping the monster in the bud. When the issue of container load of shippment came into Nigeria, they played politics with it including including the commander is chief. Let me say here that Nigeria may experience Armageddon if nothing is done as fast as possible. I hope me or anyone i know will be cut up in that mess. I pray for the souls of those that lost their lives. Amen
