Saturday, May 5, 2012

Warning signs- A Must Read!

Please Read...

IT is good to be very observant and alert in all things. This is particularly so with regards to the body and all that happens to it.
There is no health problem, no matter how severe or mild, that would not have been communicated
to the individual through several, constant warnings. The slightest of headaches when it becomes persistent or gets worse, could be heralding the presence or coming of a far bigger or deadlier disease or ailment.
What this means is that we need to pay more attention to every happening or changes taking place in our bodies. And it is not just discomfort that this entails. We need to closely monitor the functioning and wellbeing of our bodies so as to take note of anything unusual.
The body has a way of indicating its every need or discomfort, so that the observant person will most likely detect that something is amiss on time and therefore take appropriate steps before anything untoward occurs.
DOCTORS are able to diagnose correctly what the problem is when consulted early enough. But the individual is duty-bound and expected to be alert and conscious of all that is happening to him/her.
For instance, persistent tension in the neck and shoulder is saying something. So also is an ache in any part of the body that refuses to go away. The solution in all these cases is to seek professional advice as soon as possible to remedy whatever the problem is.
But it is not only aches and pains that should be reckoned with. Sometimes, it could be the colour of one’s urine, the frequency or otherwise of passing it, bowel movement, etc that is signaling something.
Ignoring or failing to heed such pointers could be dangerous, as a deadly disease or ailment could have been averted if timely intervention had been sought.
No excuse is good enough for the negligence of one’s health, which should be priority at all times. And it is only the individual that could do this for himself/herself. Early detection of anomalies in the body through close monitoring is guaranteed to save so much in the long run when the right steps are taken on time.
- Kikilola Oyebola

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