Friday, May 4, 2012

Water And Kidney Functions

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NO natural resource is undervalued as much as water. Yet, water is life, because the human body is composed of approximately 70 per cent water. And nowhere is water useful and essential more than in the kidneys, which require adequate level of
hydration to function optimally. Adequate intake of clean water on daily basis lessens the burden on the kidneys and liver by flushing out waste products from the body.
Besides the direct effect of water on the functions of the kidneys, the roles of water to the body generally can also affect the kidney positively or negatively. For instance, water helps carry nutrients and oxygen to the cells, which invariably means that inadequate water intake, can deny kidneys optimum level of nutrients and oxygen needed to work efficiently. Accordingly to Jeffrey Bland, PhD, “approximately 25 per cent of that total mineral intake of mankind comes from the water we drink”. This, in effect, means that the quality and quantity of water we drink is a key factor in the amount of vital minerals we make accessible to our body.
Water also has impact on our energy levels than any other nutrient, because lack of adequate water triggers daytime fatigue. If you drink less than 8 glasses of water a day, your body may be chronically dehydrated. You will lack energy and your brain can interpret this tiredness as need to eat more food. In other words, inadequate intake of water causes increase in body weight, which may lead to obesity.
Water is also essential for the prevention of constipation, which makes the body vulnerable to diseases, including kidney failure. Other critical functions of water in the body including aiding blood circulation, facilitating digestion, nutrient absorption, chemical reactions as well as prevention of kidney stones and urinary tract infections.
Even in fighting diseases, the vital roles of water cannot be divulged from the success or failure of its outcome. For instance, certain disease conditions like bladder infections or urinary tract stones require increased water intake. On the other hand, disease conditions like heart failure and some types of kidney; liver and adrenal diseases may impair excretion of water and even require that you limit water intake.
Experiments carried out in Japan have revealed that appropriate and methodical use of water could cure a number of diseases including kidney failure.
In kidney dialysis, the quality of water is critical to its success, because experts say water treated with chlorine and fluoride kills cells, injure red blood cells and interfere with blood pressure. Such water, they said could not be used in kidney dialysis machines, because of the harmful internal actions of chlorine and fluoride. Fluoride is a poisonous byproduct of aluminum, which is often used as rat poison.
It has been scientifically confirmed in worldwide research that persons who drink fluoridated water have a higher death rate from all causes particularly cancer than those who drink water without this chemical. Fluoride accumulates in the human body and may eventually cause cancer and/or other fatal illnesses. Water is number one source of fluoride and toothpaste is the second. Both the former USSR and Japan have banned the use of fluoride in public water supplies and in toothpaste.

Author- Tunde Fabunmi, a Bee Conservationist and Diet Consultant, lives in Lagos.

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