Saturday, June 16, 2012

Causes and prevention of Barrenness

                             CURING OF BARRENNESS


Barrenness, a term syno-nimous to sterility, in opposition to fecundity, That the creation might not degenerate, Nature has wisely ordained barrenness to all monstrous productions; and hence the sterility of mules, etc.

Women frequently become bar-ren after a miscarriage, or difficult labour. Sterility in either sex may a so arise from a
schirrosity or induration in the organs, by which their functions become impaired, and sometimes even destroyed. The causes of sterility, however, are much more frequent in the female than in the male sex: and these causes, in general, are, schirrosities and obstructions, arising from fear, grief, inordinate passions, intemperance, neglect of cleanliness but more frequently, in consequence of inveterate complaints of a periodical nature, peculiar to the sex.

Dr. Hasellquist, in his Travels to the Levant, advises married persons to drink, every night, a tea-cupful of clove-water for the cure of this complaint.—We have inserted this whimsical recipe, not because any reliance can be placed on so trifling a remedy, but in order to attest the inefficacy of medicines on such occasions, and to assure those who forsake the path of Nature, and expect relief from Art, that they will certainly be disappointed, unless they adopt a more temperate and regular mode of life

The female infertility causes
In medical literature, the term "infertile marriage," which suggests the absence of a pregnancy in a woman of reproductive age, within one year of a regular sexual life, without the application of any contraceptives, is frequently used. The reasons for that are an ovulation disoders problem, a blocked fallopian tubes problem, and many others.

Female infertility causes deal with the impossibility to conceive a child. Based on supervision of our experts of obstetricians and gynecologists, about 18 % of married couples have some difficulties with conception. Some of them deal with some decrease in their ability to bear children, for various reasons. However, barrenness is really revealed in many cases and they require qualified medical aid. Anyhow, a special inspection, in any case, will give results and will help to harmonize the sexual life.

Some women frequently mix up barrenness with such phenomenon as the noncarrying of a pregnancy. The difference between them is that in the last case the conception actually occurs, however the female body is not capable of bringing the child to birth. Thus, an early spontaneous miscarriage is quite possible, and this could be confused with a late period. In this connection, it is recommended that you consult the doctor-gynecologist at the slightest suspicion of a pregnancy, or, in that case when you have noticed unusually big clots at your period time, and the bleeding causes some pain. That can refer to serious ovulation disoders problem.

Kinds of female infertility causes. The specialists distinguish three kinds of female infertility causes: primary, secondary and absolute. Primary barrenness refers to those patients, who did not have any conception through their regular sexual life without means of any protection. Secondary barrenness is typical for women having a pregnancy (or having children) in the past, but at present, cannot become pregnant after more than one year, also under the condition of a regular sexual life without contraception. In addition, absolute barrenness means basic absence of an opportunity to become pregnant, for example, for the lack of an uterus, blocked fallopian tubes problem, ovaries or some other anomalies in a structure and development of the female genitals.

The treatment of barrenness is complex. The main principle of treatment of female infertility causes is the elimination of its reasons. Owing to a variety of the reasons for infringement of reproductive function of the woman, treatment of barrenness is very complex and always long. After an establishment of the diagnosis, first, the doctor makes the plan of treatment determined by the general condition of the patient and character of disease, which have revealed the reason of female infertility causes.

Revealing of the reasons of barrenness is rather a challenge, since it is often caused by several factors. The volume of inspection should be determined only by the doctor-gynecologist. He can include survey, research with the help of mirrors, scrapes on sexual infections, and degree of cleanliness of the vagina. What can be the reason of she became barren? All diseases considered on our article, and the  problems of adiposity (excess weight) can cause the occurrence of barrenness. They are the diseases of the thyroid gland, gynecologic diseases like adnexitis, ovarian cyst, polycystic ovary, endometritis, or myoma of an uterus.

It is important not only to achieve conception but also to bear a strong and healthy child!


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1 comment:

  1. Through Prayers, God can change your Barren situation.
