Friday, June 8, 2012

Female Guard Jailed For Illicit Relationships With 3 Inmates

                                                                Prison Romance.....
Zanib Khan, 27
A woman prison officer who swapped sexy letters and phone calls with three inmates was jailed for 12 months today. Zanib Khan, 27, had ‘illicit relationships’ with two drug dealers incarcerated at
HMP Brixton and a third prisoner at Ford open prison in Sussex.
Khan shared nearly ten hours of intimate calls with the men on a secret phone she hid from her prison bosses and her personal phone. Police also found sexually explicit love letters from prisoners at her home she smuggled out of jail stuffed inside her uniform.
Khan had relationships with Timothy Iyegbe, Daryl Smith and Jason Graham, between March and November 2011. Police believe she was close to four other prisoners over three years.
Khan, who joined the prison service to pay for a law qualification, also covered up the fact her father and her boyfriend were both serving prisoners when she took up her post.
Judge David Higgins today jailed Khan for 12 months for what he described as ‘deplorable and deeply antisocial behaviour’. He said: ‘The period of offending is approximately eight months between March and November 2011.
‘Inevitably that means you embarked on a knowing, sustained, voluntary, and indeed gross breach of trust. ‘It is the very denial of that which you are employed to do. ‘Your behaviour was both deplorable and deeply antisocial and the public will be rightly shocked by that behaviour by someone in your position.
‘It certainly diminishes confidence in the prison service.’ The court heard Khan began work at HMP Feltham in 2009 before moving to HMP Brixton, in south west London.
She had been the subject of internal disciplinary proceedings prior to the discovery of the raunchy texts and letters after it was discovered she had been visiting her father and boyfriend Wahid Khalique in jail.
Her father was sentenced to four years for immigration offences in March 2008 and Khalique was jailed in December 2008 for robbery.
Prosecutor Robin Du Preez said as a result Khan was well aware of the rules regarding contact between inmates and prisoner officers.
The barrister told the court: ‘Zanib Khan developed an improper and intimate relationship with serving prisoners in A Wing at HMP Brixton, Timothy Iyegbe, Daryl Smith, and Jason Graham.
‘She was responsible for them at the prison and she did not disclose any of the contact she had with them contrary to prison rules.
‘Prison officers are not to have any contact of an inappropriate nature with prisoners and they are not to bring in or take anything out.’
He said that in October 2011 police discovered a mobile phone in Graham’s one-man cell at HMP Ford.
Graham, who had previously been a prisoner at HMP Brixton, was found to have been in contact with Khan’s mobile hidden from bosses as well as her personal mobile from his PIN number at HMP Ford.
Mr Du Preez said: ‘The duration of those phone calls was 590 minutes, just under ten hours.’
He said that Iyegbe had Khan’s number listed at the prison as his mother’s and Smith disguised her identity by listing her number as his partner’s.
The court heard that in one recorded phone call between Khan and Iyegbe the couple told each repeatedly ‘I love you’.
In a letter from the inmate found at Khan’s home Iyegbe wrote ‘I do not think you know the way you make me feel’ and ‘All I do is think about you and the good times we had together’.
Mr Du Preez said: ‘It then carries on in a sexual way’. Khan was arrested on January 26, 2012, and officers found the box for the illicit phone in her bedroom.
In interview she denied any involvement with the three men and attempted to frame her younger sister Zahira.
For Khan, defence counsel Satyanand Beharrylal said: ‘To a great extent there was a very strong amount of naivety on the part of Zanib Khan, but more than that a lot of this occurred at a vulnerable time in her life.
‘The communication was not thought at the time as something which was harmful to the performance of her duties.
‘There is correspondence and there are sexual matters in the correspondence but there was no physical relationship, Zanib Khan made that clear, it was more the discussion of fantasy and flattery rather than anything more than that.’
He told the court Khan had completed a law degree and was hoped to fund her £6,000 a year legal practice course by taking a job with the prison service.
He added that her brother died in August 2010 and that following his death she had suffered a period of ‘depression and isolation’.
Khan, of, Ilford, Essex, admitted one count of misconduct in a public office.

-Daily Mail

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  1. there is nothing against her no proof so why is the police against her

    leave her alone people

  2. she has not commited a crime just cuz she is an asian how comes no pictures of other girls apart form her

  3. You guys are joke!! This girl in question was under oath as regards to her job hence she committed offence punishable by their law.
