Monday, July 23, 2012

Set your doomsday clock now: Earth will be ripped from the sun just before universe blows up

A doomsday timetable predicts what will happen to our universe if mysterious 'dark energy' rips our universe to shreds.
Dark energy is thought to make up around 70% of the universe - and physicists have explored an idea called 'the big rip' where the energy destroys the entire universe.
Two months before doomsday, the Earth will be ripped from the Sun, and five days before the moon will be torn from the earth.
The Sun will be destroyed 28 minutes before the end of time and 16 minutes before the final curtain the Earth will explode.

Set your doomsday clock now: Earth will be ripped from the sun just before universe blows up (but only in .....16.7 billion years)..lolz [''Don't panic life is still long''.]

The rather gloomy prediction was made by Chinese theoretical physicists exploring one possible idea of 'dark energy' - a theoretical, mysterious energy thought to be everywhere in the universe.
The academics worked out one possible 'future' - a doomsday scenario triggered by dark energy.
The 'big rip' theory - where dark energy destroys all in its path - will see the Milky Way torn apart 32.9 million years before the end of the universe, they say.
The good news is even in the worst case scenario we have 16.7 billion years to say our goodbyes.
Dark energy is believed to make up about 70 per cent of the current content of the universe, and provides one explanation of how galaxies may meet their end.
In the 'big rip' theory, if the ratio of pressure and density of dark energy falls below -1, it will grow to infinity in a finite period of time.
And because it repels gravity, this is bad news for the universe.
Scientists from the University of Science and Technology of China, the Institute of Theoretical Physics at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Northeastern University, and Peking University met to discuss the worse case scenario for the 'big rip' theory.
‘We wanted to infer from the current data what the worst fate would be for the Universe’, they said.
But they add: ‘At worst, the time remaining before the Universe ends in a big rip is 16.7 billion years.’*wink*

-Daily mail

 ........Again....lolz ''Don't panic life is still long''.

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