Latest news making rounds in Abuja and its environs is the invasion of prostitutes sent packing from Lagos. According to source, the prostitutes on the run from Lagos have relocated to Abuja the Nigeria capital city where they now have peace to carry on with their human servicing business. These prostitutes according to sources lives in satellite towns or the out skirt of the capital city but creeps in at night to the main city to ply their trade. However, some of the big girls among them were able to find accommodation with in the main city especially Asokoro area.
The source explained that some politicians, top government officials and
national assembly members whom there families live abroad were said to be have accommodated these
It was said that during the day, Most of these prostitutes claimed to be University of Abuja student go out in the morning hours so as to deceive neighbors or their wives that they are indeed legal students.
However, an unconfirmed reports had it that One of the Abuja top politician (name withheld)
is in a serious hot soup after his wife accidentally caught him pants down with one of the 'Suchies'' right insidetheir BQ.
But due to the political carrier of the randy man, his wife and family decided to shred this incident in secrecy to avoid any form of public outcry or anything that will jeopardize her husband's political carrier.
Na wa...i no fit shout again.
Share your thoughts...thanks!
not surprised.