Saturday, January 26, 2013

Please Read - How to fight prostitution in Nigeria..

In the days when my mum was a girl, every compound in the community had a mango tree. It was okay to pluck occasionally from your neighbours tree or even let your neighbor pluck from yours. But to sell those mangoes- that was the height of desperation. No one did it. So too sex. Everyone has it. Sometimes we take from our neighbours supply, but when you sell it, that is the height of desperation.

While some may argue that sex is bought and sold in informal markets like relationships and marriage or black markets like workplaces and political circles, it is the peddling of it in formal markets- on the streets- that really bothers our righteous souls.
Fighting prostitution is quite important especially in our beautiful urban centres like Abuja, more important than fighting armed robbery and climate change.

Continue reading after the cut...

This is how to fight the scourge.
Because of how important it is, make it the primary duty of a government agency like the Environmental Protection Agency. Prostitution in the formal market pollutes our environment. To fight prostitution you must understand it. And prostitution is quite easy to understand. This is it in summary: the female prostitute. The woman who stands on the road to sell the fruits we all have and steal from each other. That woman who shoves the fact of our love for the forbidden fruit in our faces. She alone is important because without supply there will be no demand. We cannot have men be going out on perfectly legitimate activities and unsuspectingly fall into the trap of these daughters of Eve. God will not allow their hustle to succeed.
Prostitution is like a bad cough- you fight it, it fights you back. You must come at it with everything you have got. Dedicate a government department to this job. They will plan operations, set up a task force and coordinate affairs. You may need an NGO to give the program legitimacy. Something tailored toward achieving a society free from prostitution. Because they have funding, you will use their nice buses to conduct operations. These buses will provide free transport to rehabilitation camps for prostitutes you are able to capture in the streets. Then you need the almighty Police, to put the fear of our God in them. You don’t need to tell the Police what to do. The Police are a self actuating force, especially at night. The Police are effective because, every self respecting policeman knows that it is preferable to err on the side of excess, than err on the side of caution. God bless our zealous Police.
If anyone suggests that by kidnapping women and forcing them to be rehabilitated you are violating their human rights, God will deal with them appropriately. Those are agents of the devil whose goal is to see society descend into moral decadence. God will not let that happen.
Sometimes you will hear that the Police, in their zealous bid to maintain the formal-paid-sex free nature of our godly society, have done things like harass girls physically, abuse them sexually, extort money from them, or even abduct innocent girls who are scantily clad doing God-knows-what at ungodly hours of the night. These are the tales that enemies of our righteous state tell. At least most of it. Even in the unlikely event that one of two of these stories may have some truth in them, you must not let this give you sleepless nights. It is only collateral damage. You cannot be blamed when girls who should be sleeping in their fathers’ or husbands’ homes decide to run amok without decent clothing. Again, just like you cannot blame flies for following meat at the meat market, you cannot and should not worry about the men who patronize the services of prostitutes. They are victims and should be treated like such, pitied and allowed to go about their lives in peace. If you must do anything, pray that God will deliver them from this vicious temptation. Very importantly, when fighting prostitution you must remember that there are no male prostitutes. This is a aberration that does not exist in our society. Anyone who suggests otherwise must be high on Codeine.
This duty to rid our society of the formal paid sex sector is one that must be handled with pride. As you do it, God will look into the intentions of your heart, and like He always does, immensely bless your hustle.

-Elnathan John

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