Friday, February 15, 2013

s.O.s: Adamu Hassan Omale Needs Urgent Kidney Transplant

Please read and act.....!!!!!

Adamu Hassan Omale on dialysis machine..

ONE aspect of being a fire officer that Adamu Hassan Omale loves so much is the periodic fire drill exercise. At the National Theatre where he works as a fireman, fire drills are held periodically to test equipment and the readiness of the firemen to respond to emergencies.   Omale enjoys the drills so much that even when he is off duty, he still makes it to work to be part of the drill that usually begins with a parade.
The last of such drills was held this January but without Omale.  Omale had reportedly complained mid last year “around June of 2012” of
weakness and loss of appetite and was advised by friends and colleagues to go for a comprehensive medical check up. He did and the result was a medical report by the Consultant Nephrologist at the Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH), Dr. C. O Amira which revealed that the once vibrant and smart fire officer has “features of uraemic encephalopathy”. The 45-year-old father was subsequently admitted to LUTH and was allocated hospital number 606960.
‘The doctors at LUTH told me in plain English that my organs—kidneys—- have failed and that I need urgent transplant,’’ Omale said.
He has just had a session of dialysis and could only mutter a few words to his wife whom he said had had to stop trading so as to be able to carry him back and forth for dialysis and consultation.
The medical report also revealed the Benue State-born fire officer has been on dialysis at the LUTH since July 2012.   According to the Nephrologist, Adamu requires a Kidney transplant, as the transplant is the best treatment for his ailment.  The nephrologist also indicated that Kidney transplant is available at the LUTH at an estimated cost of about N5 million naira. The bill covers the pre-transplant work up for donor and recipient, transplant surgery and immunosupression for at least one year post transplant. “I am just a poor civil servant from a very poor background. I have spent all I have saved and borrowed on dialysis and have nothing left to even continue the dialysis talk of the surgery. That is why I am appealing to well- meaning Nigerians to come to my aid so that I can get back to work and be able to feed and take care of my family. I don’t want to die please… I beg Nigerians to help me and as they do, God will meet them at their points of needs,” he appealed.

Help can reach Adamu Hassan Omale through:

Fidelity Bank Account number 6050122559.

For more click on click here Help for Adamu

We sincerely hope someone will read and act....thanks for your support!  (Usaveone)

1 comment:

  1. if you are interested in getting kidney of any blood group,or transplant contact me now
