Saturday, November 16, 2013

MUST READ: Common injuries during sex and their prevention (II)

Lot of times, too much sex and sexual activity without lubrication could cause the sensitive skin of the man’s manhood to peel, causing a sore sensation. To fix this, rub your penis with lotion until it feels better. Sometimes, too much eagerness and without the right lubrication, the scrotum could be ruptured. And when your wife gets too passionate and grips your testicles roughly, she may get them bruised. Make sure that in whatever level of sexual activities, both of you can easily communicate and signal  pains and pleasure without interrupting the flow of passion.

Continue reading after the cut....
Beware of incorrect lubricants; if anything will make you more careful about what you use as lubricant, then it is this story. A newlywed groom took his bride to his grandma’s family house by the beach side to spend part of their honeymoon, and when the grandma left the house, they decided to have some fun. After searching for lubricant, they found grandma’s` nitroglycerin paste and decided it would do the job. How wrong they were. The paste caused their blood pressures to nose-dive, and the grandmother returned to find them unconscious and naked in her living room. It may sound funny but it is life threatening. Natural lubricants are still the best; beware of adulterated products.
An ophthalmologist friend told me recently that six of his patients presented cases of early decrease in vision in one eye with no apparent predisposing factor. But amazingly after obtaining a careful history, each patient revealed that he or she had been engaging in rigorous sexual activity. How can rigorous sexual activities lead to eye problem?  I asked out of curiosity. During particularly intense orgasms, the extreme increase in blood flow can actually lead to ruptured blood vessels in the eyes, causing temporary discomfort to the eye. This can damage the eye, leading to transitorily reduced vision. So, if you go into sex wanting a blinding moment of pleasure, be careful what you wish for. When the orgasm becomes an eye popping orgasm, it may be a sign of blindness.
We all know it’s wise to take precautions, but sometimes, safe sex isn’t as safe as you might think. While performing oral sex, women have been known to accidentally swallow the condoms worn by their partners. Because of the material condoms are made of, they are certainly not designed for human consumption. So, swallowing one can lead to severe coughing and breathing difficulties. They might come in tasty flavours, but swallowing them is definitely not advised. So, position your head appropriately for blow job.
Wine glasses can be dangerous. When the alcohol is flowing, one thing can often lead to another, so it won’t be surprising to hear that beer and wine glasses are one of the items broken most often during sex, second only to bed frames. If you want to avoid painful cuts and sharp objects stuck in places you don’t want them to be, then be sure to clear away any broken glass before you accidentally roll through it in the throes of passion. Broken pieces can enter the body parts and it happens more often than you would think.
Most ordinary places for sex have been discovered to be the most dangerous spots, places such as:  the sofa, the carpet, the chair, or shower. Wife, put a pillow on the floor if you’re going to give your husband a blowjob. There’s no reason to make your bare knees press against the floor. When the shower is wet, it is most slippery. One of my clients, a widower in his sixties, suffered a fracture when he fell down while masturbating in the shower in an attempt to rush to the door to lock it when he heard his son trying to get in. The most candid advice I gave him was to remarry. When you don’t properly position your head or shoulder while having sex on the chair, you may develop a chronic neck pain.
Leg cramp usually occurs when spouses practise new style.
…..until next week when I bring the concluding part of this topic, have a sex-filled week.

Culled -Funmi Akingbade/Punch

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1 comment:

  1. The pictures says it all! Sex is clearly a heavy Job.
