The surgical removal of the small flap of skin on the penis, also known as the foreskin is called circumcision.The procedure takes just 5-10 minutes and heals within a week.
In a circumcision, the tissue on the head of the penis is freed and the excess is cut off.
While the necessity and benefits of freed circumcision are debated, we take a look at the health benefits of circumcision.
Circumcision helps in keeping the penis clean.
Continue reading after the cut.....
Lowers the risk of urinary tract infections (UTI).
Lowers STD risk in men.
Circumcised men reduce the chances of getting cancer of the penis.
Circumcised men also lowers cervical cancer risk in their partners.
Lowers the risk of inflammation of the penis and foreskin.
Any doctor in the house or What do you think about this claims?
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Blogger ayam nt a Doktor but i dnt beliv dis. if u wnt 2 kno ayam nt Circumcise and i hv no disease and i enjoi sex.