Friday, November 8, 2013

The 7 Lies Ghanaian Girls Tell To Make Men Stay With Them

The Devil is a liar!  One thing we’re all accepting of, but when that Devil is the woman in your life that you’re ready to kick to the curb, BEWARE.  This usually innocent, pure and virtuous creature can turn into a lying, scheming, manipulative bitch.   Find out the shocking truth about the lies she’ll tell to keep you in her claws, out of any other woman drawers, making you forced to stop and pause!

# 1   I’M PREGNANT:  This is generally the first trick in the book.  She thinks that if she’s pregnant with your child you have no choice but to stay with her.  Errr, wrong!  Ladies, he doesn’t and he won’t, and even if he did, it wouldn’t last because he’ll resent you for tying him down. #Fact

#2   YOU BROKE MY VIRGINITY: Ei, 27 and never had sex before?  I don’t think so.  This lie is one that aims to play up to his masculinity, whilst emphasizing her purity.  The guilt trip tactic.  If she chose to give up her virginity, she also has to face the consequences and accept that nothing is forever.

Continue reading after the cut....
#3   DID YOU KNOW THAT ALHAJI PROPOSED TO ME YESTERDAY? The idea that someone powerful or influential and rich desires your woman does indeed play up to the insecurities of many men.  Don’t be fooled!  If Mr Alhaji really did proposition her then this is the time to prepare for the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth to the point not even God can help you.

#4   I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT YOU:  Oh the damsel in distress need her Prince to come and rescue her on his white horse. This is is a straight up lie! If she’s survived however many years before meeting you, she’ll survive for many more after you’ve gone. From the sun continues to shine and the air flow, believe me, Miss I cant live without you will do just that. Simple.

#5   MY FAMILY WANT TO MEET YOU:  Oh, my mother sends her greetings, or my Aunty has invited you to eat fufu on Sunday.  This dear male readers is the art of manipulation. A skill she’s highly trained in. She knows if you meet her family members, not only are you accountable to her, but a whole army on top.  Don’t be the meat in the soup they plan to eat with their fufu.

#6   I’M GOING TO KILL MYSELF: Yes, a more threatening suggestion, but to be frank, one to be taken with a pinch of salt.  If she’s prepared to give up on life due to the possibilty of having the relationship end then before she does, get her checked into the nearest mental health clinic and get her sectioned.  This woman needs help.

#7   I DON’T NEED YOUR MONEY:  This lie is what we call reverse psychology.  She tricks you into believing she’s completely independent and only in need of your love, almost immediately reversing the script once wedding invitations have been sent out.  Yes when she was single and dating she was independent, but now she is we and she is no longer single or funnily enough independent where financial matters are concerned.


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