The estranged wife of movie producer Sophia Tchidi Chikere has reacted angrily to the statement released by actress Nuella Njubigbo claiming that she has no hand in Tchidi's break up with his wife, and that she only started dating the movie director after his marriage to Sophia broke up.
Now Sophia Chikere has come out to claim that Nuella is nothing but a liar, that she (Nuella) broke her marriage and she actually started dating Chidi long before their marriage ended.
Sophia also confirmed that her her marriage equally produced three boys, that she and Tchidi are yet to be officially divorced.
Continue after the cut to read Sophia's story;
"I swear with my life, my children's life and everything I have that Nuella started dating my husband before he left the marriage. But because I respect my husband a lot, the father of my three boys, I have kept calm and won't talk and comment because there is no need to wash your dirty linen in public. Tchidi is a wonderful husband and father and will always be.
But if Nuella opened her mouth and said that she wasn't dating my husband before he left the marriage, if she's lying let her not see anything good in life and if I'm lying let me not see anything good in life.
This question is for Nuella. Nuella since you broke my marriage, have I called you? Have I looked for you? No! After what you did, you still have the right to lie and say you were not in the picture? You want to deceive the public? But you can't deceive God. You put what God has joined together asunder and made my children cry to bed every night.
I keep calm and you have the audacity to say that you weren't dating my husband when we were together? Let the wrath of God be your portion. Now that you have taken my hubby and you are getting married to him like I heard, are you happy? Are you fulfilled? Let the Almighty God fight for me and judge you.
Let vengeance be of God who knows everything and sees everything. My God is able and he's not asleep. He sees. He knows. And he feels what I feel. He is the Lord who cares for me and my kids.
As for my husband, he is a wonderful father and I will never ever disrespect him"
Sophia Chikere
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Nuella njubuigbo is soooo desperate and a disgrace. God will catch her when the times comes.