They were prompted to come forward with it after we reported how Leo Hargreaves stunned his parents when he beamed for his 31-week scan.
The image is a 4D scan - increasingly popular with expectant parents to get a glimpse of how their child will look.
Continue after the cut for more photo..
Rather then the grainy ‘flat’ images produced by the 2D scanners usually used by the NHS, a 4D machine stitches together pictures taken from a variety of angles to create clear three-dimensional images.
These are then recorded on video – the fourth dimension.

4D scans are a highly developed form of traditional ultrasound where very high frequency sound waves are used to produce images of what is inside the body.
As with older forms of ultra-sound, sound waves a emitted from a transducer, or probe, which is placed on the mother's abdomen and then moved to 'look at' areas in the uterus.
These sound waves bounce back off the foetus, helping to create a 'picture' of the child on a screen.
4D scans use the same frequency of sound waves as in a normal ultrasound.
But the sound waves are directed from many more angles, producing a 'real-time' video of the foetus as it moves and allowing scientists to say the images are in four dimensions.
The remarkable image of Leo Hargreaves was taken from an ultrasound scan at 31 weeks.
His mother Amy Cregg, 24, said of her scan: 'My partner Leighton and I were absolutely shocked - even the people who did my scan were amazed.
'But that was just the beginning. After he was born, he was always smiling - even in his sleep.'
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