Thursday, April 30, 2015

RAW PHOTO: The killing field Where #Indonesia convicts where executed by firing squad

Image result for faces of the indonesia executionsA close up of one of the crosses erected in the daylight hours of Tuesday on the field in front of a small rise in a clearing on Nusakambangan Island, the  scene of the executions which shows the spot where the two Australians sang 'Amazing Grace' as they waited for the firing squads to end their lives
The killing field: This pathcy stretch of grass with a makeshift purple tarpaulined structure is where Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran were executed on Wednesday, just metres apart from each other with the crosses already in place for each of the doomed drug traffickers
A local television station broadcast a chilling re-enactment of how executions are carried out in Indonesi

The killing field (photo above) where Indonesia eight convicts spent their last moments alive looks like a makeshift parade ground being readied for a school sports carnival or fete.

Sheets of purple tenting material are stretched over a.....
series of four metre high open frames which have been hammered into a patchy stretch of grass in front of a low bank.

The area is known as Limus Buntu which roughly translates as Limus 'deadlocked' or dead end.

Crosses for each of the eight prisoners who were to be executed in the early hours of Wednesday morning are in place and a shirtless man is seen working alongside at least five other people on the site.

'You can also see nine piles of wood that have been installed at the location.The nine piles were laid for nine death row [prisoners] to be executed at midnight tonight,' one witness said.

The photographs of the kill site emerged on the Indonesian news outlet, which has claimed that the area was a firing range and that Indonesian authorities had arrested people trying to get there.

The photographs reveal the close range - just a few metres apart from each other - in which the condemned drug traffickers found themselves when  they were transported to the spot just after midnight on Tuesday, Indonesian time.

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