Monday, March 7, 2016

#TERRORISM: Police warn ISIS is planning an 'enormous and spectacular' attack in the UK

Image result for Police warn ISIS is planning an 'enormous and spectacular' attack in the UK

ISIS is planning an 'enormous and spectacular' attack on British soil, the UK's top anti-terror officer warned today.

Scotland Yard Assistant Commissioner Mark Rowley has said the terror group is 'trying to build bigger attacks' around the world and the.....
UK is one of its number one targets.

After the devastating series of suicide attacks on Paris last year where 130 died, a similar plot is a 'natural next step' for the terror group, he said.

The Met officer said that while in the past few years the Islamist group has called on would-be jihadis to attack police and the military, their plots are now broader 'plans to attack Western lifestyle'.
He said: 'In recent months we've seen a broadening of that, much more plans to attack Western lifestyle, and obviously the Paris attacks in November.

'Going from that narrow focus on police and military as symbols of the state to something much broader. And you see a terrorist group which has big ambitions for enormous and spectacular attacks, not just the types that we've seen foiled to date.'

He added: 'You see a terrorist group that whilst on the one hand has been acting as a cult to use propaganda to radicalise people to act in their name ... you also see them trying to build bigger attacks.'
Meanwhile the Scotland Yard has seen more than 20 families and around 50 young people go through family court proceedings over concerns about radicalisation in the past year.

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