Friday, March 9, 2012

Finding it hard to sleep?....Insomnia

Good morning my people!
I don't why i couldn't sleep yester-night, plz share with me this peace i found this morning. Thanks!

Insomnia is a feeling of not being able to get enough sleep, or finding it hard to sleep. People differ in their need for sleep, and everyone has the occasional night of disturbed sleep.
Some of the symptoms of Insomnia are:
Difficulty getting
to sleep (taking more than 45 minutes to sleep),
Difficulty staying asleep (frequent awakenings and difficulty getting back to sleep),
Early morning waking,
Feeling tired and un-refreshed in the morning.
Insomnia can be  either transient, intermittent or chronic. Transient lasts only a few nights to a few weeks. Intermittent insomnia occurs occasionally but not every night. Chronic insomnia occurs most nights and lasts three or more weeks.
Potential causes
There is no single cause for insomnia but a number of factors are known to contribute.
Lifestyle - eating late at night, jet lag, hunger, alcohol, caffeine, stimulant drugs, including nicotine.
Environment – noise (eg partner snoring), uncomfortable bed or bedroom.
Physical health problems – sleep apnoea (abnormal breathing while asleep), asthma, tinnitus( musical sound in the ear ), pain, prostate problems that mean frequent trips to the toilet at night, and indigestion.
Psychological – including stress or grief.
Mental health problem such as depression or anxiety.
Medication – eg certain tablets for asthma
Absence of fulfilled sexual life
Rarely, Insomnia occurs even when none of the above are present. This is known as ‘primary’ insomnia.
Suggestive remedy
There are a number of things that people affected by Insomnia can do to help themselves. These are known as sleep hygiene measures.
Avoid taking cat-naps ( siesta ) during the day.
Reduce the number of cups of coffee, tea or cola drinks you drink, especially in the evening .
For those who take alcoholic drink . It should be done  in moderation.
Reduce  smoking – nigh time breathing problems are more likely in smokers.
Regular exercise, but avoid strenuous activity before going to bed.
Try to get into a daily routine. Go to bed the same time each night and get up the same time each morning.
Avoid heavy or rich meals, especially in the few hours before bedtime.
Work out how many hours sleep you can manage with before daytime. Becoming unnecessarily stressed over Insomnia can lead to a vicious cycle.
If you can’t sleep, get up and read in a dim light until you feel sleepy..
Other activities that can create a relaxed mood include taking a warm bath, having a milky drink, or listening to soothing music or recitation of holy books
Mentally dealing with the day’s unfinished business is also helpful. Writing down any worries to deal with the next day may help to clear them from the mind and prevent them re-surfacing in the early hours.
Sedatives ( drugs should be the last resort , when all the above fail).

 Hope this tips works for someone tonight?

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