Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Mother and son to get married soon! Jeezz Strange!

...Mom & Son
Maybe, the world is actually coming to an end. Even the
Christian Bible recorded that in the latter days, evil shall increase and men shall be caught up with many abnormal preferences.
While homosexuality and lesbianism is now on the increase with practitioners pushing for legalisation of same sex marriage across the world, incest is fast taking the center stage with members of the same filial groups now demanding the right to marry.
Recently, lesbians and homosexuals in Nigerians threw caution to the winds and boldly came to the National Assembly, demand for the right to copulate with persons of same sex. Though the National Assembly rejected the demand and even passed a law, out rightly banning the practice, it appears that the legislature should brace up against another abnormal sexual preferences by deviants. Incest!
Presently, incest is on the increase and is gradually pushing for acceptance. In 2006, a German was sentenced to two and half years imprisonment for fathering four children with his sister.
 Also in 2008 the world was startled when it was learnt that an Austrian, Josef Fritzl, locked up his own daughter Elizabeth for 24 year during which he continued to have sexual relationship with her resulting in the birth of seven children and one miscarriage.
 Last year, a Birmingham Crown Court sentenced a 47-year-old man and his daughter  for having sexual relationship spanning over two years.  Butler was jailed for 10 months and Yates, 26, was given a 26-week suspended term.
However, despite punishments, incest is now on the increase. In many countries in Europe, Asia and Africa, there have been whisperings of incestuous activities even among the highly placed persons in the society including royalties and political office holders. In Europe, it is fast becoming a common affair.
However, the perverse tendency is taking a new twist as incestuous persons are now asking for the legalisation of their affairs.
Recently a Zimbabwean woman and her son was reported to have fallen in love with each another and are now pushing to marry since the mom, Betty Mbereko from Mwenezi in Masvingo, is six months pregnant and expecting her son’s child.
According to reports posted on the Zimbabwe Mail, Mbereko (40), who was widowed 12 years ago, has been co-habiting with her first child, Farai Mbereko (23).
She confirms that she was six months pregnant and that she has decided it is better to “marry” her son because she does not want to marry her late husband’s young brothers, whom she says are coveting her.
Betty stunned a village court last week when she said the affair with her son had begun three years earlier.
She said after spending a lot of money sending Farai to school following the death of her husband, she felt she had a right to his money and no other woman was entitled to it.
“Look, I strove alone to send my son to school and no one helped me. Now you see that my son is working and you accuse me of doing something wrong. “Let me enjoy the products of my sweat,” she told the village court.
Farai said he was more than prepared to marry his mother and would pay off the ilobola balance his father had left unpaid to his grandparents.
“I know my father died before he finished paying the bride price and I am prepared to pay it off,” he said.
“It is better to publicise what is happening because people should know that I am the one who made my mother pregnant. Otherwise they will accuse her of promiscuity.”
However, the locals have rejected the demand saying it was unthinkable and unacceptable. the local headman, Nathan Muputirwa said ordinarily, the mother and the son should have been killed for the abomination they had committed but for fear of the police.
“We cannot allow this to happen in our village, mashura chaiwo aya, (This is a bad omen indeed). In the past they would have to be killed but today we cannot do it because we are afraid of the police”, he said. He however warned them to break off their marriage or leave his village. They incestuous pair were said to have left the village for an unknown destination.
Zimbabwe National Traditional Healers Association (ZINATHA) President, Gordon Chavunduka said he had also heard of many cases where mother and son were having private love affairs. "Mother and son love relations are there but many are doing it privately," said Chavunduka.
He added that it is taboo for society to accept those marriages but the situation is difficult to curb since modern people are no longer respecting their culture. "I only want to warn those who think they are wise enough to defy their cultural regulations that a lot of evil spells are following them," he said.
Reacting to the Zimbabwean incidence, some Nigerians blame the increase in sexual perversion on the erosion of family and religious values and are now demanding that the gates of the country must be fastened so as not to allow such practice to filter into the nation.
Source ( 

*Cough Cough Cough Coughssssss* *Clears throat*

Share you thoughts..Thanks!


  1. If you read your Bible then you know it is no strange. End time!

  2. Honestly wetin that mother of a woman go call that child she pregnant for her son? Grandson or Grand Daughter? Oluwa have mercy, this is complete sick.

    1. No matter what that new born will be called,i hope this is not real? Abomination!!!!!!!!!

  3. Incase the story is true, then be rest assured its part of the prophesy.

  4. I vomited reading this news this morning. Best if the world comes to an end today, i am not afraid.

  5. The woman should actually be tested for psychological disorder if this is a true story. Her husband's death has thrown confusion into her life and she just couldn't handle it right....
