Saturday, March 3, 2012

Staph and erectile dysfunction...Serious Warning for men!

 Erectile dysfunction is the inability of a man to produce a consistent or maintain an erection of the penis sufficient to
have a sexual intercourse. Staphylococcal infections can lead to erectile dysfunction in men. Erectile dysfunction is also referred to as sexual impotence.
Sexual impotence is;
•The presence of serious ailments like diabetes and
•STD (sexually transmitted diseases).

In the days of our forefathers, excessive consumption of sugary foods and alcohol were not encouraged, that was why they were able to remain sexually potent till old age. Secondly, the presence of STD’s is another major causative factor. Most men suffer from STD’s which have ended up destroying their libidos. A sexual disease like staph.aureus is a known destroyer of the sexual organ. Apart from those that are born with sexual impotence, these two factors are usually responsible for the impotence in men these days. Normally, a healthy man with full potency should be able to have erection hard-on at least three times daily. If a man sleeps, an erection should be the first thing to wake him from sleep if truly he’s sexually potent, it is a natural phenomenon. If a man does not experience an erection even when a naked body of a woman is paraded before him, then there is a serious problem. *coughs*

Naturally, although age has a role to play in erection sustainability that is it takes a little stimulation for a youth of between ages 20 to 30 to gain an erection, he may climax quickly but he gains back his erection in a few minutes. An adult male of 40 years will need a more direct stimulation to attain an erection, while a 60 year old male may need an even more direct stimulation before an erection can be achieved. But these days it’s so amazing that even youths in their early twenties are having a problem of erectile dysfunction and almost all the cases involved are due to one infection or another most especially staph infection. 
This situation is so alarming that one begin to wonder what the situation will be like in the next 5 to 7 years. Even as an adult one’s sexual life should be very active especially among married adults because this will foster a serious relationship among such couples. 
Most men usually complain of having difficulty in retaining their erection after a round of sexual intercourse, and this has really caused a lot of problem between them and their hubby. 

 If as a man you wake up in the morning without your manhood prick becoming turgid for more than 3 to 5 days then you should know that there is a cause for alarm. You really need to examine yourself before it becomes too late. 
Advice to all men is to avoid having any form of casual sex in order to prevent infection. They should also live a healthy life, eat good and well- balanced diet, exercise regularly and abstain from casual sex. Whenever they(men) notice any form of problem concerning their sexual life they should not hesitate to go for medical check up before the situation gets worst. 

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Men watch out for that STD a.k.a staph.aureus, it is complete 'Conan the destroyer'My Guys don’t you forget to use condom whenever you are on that mission impossible!

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