Thursday, July 26, 2012

Must Read! Men responsible for 40% infertility

Not less than 40 per cent of infertility among couples are caused by the men, a naturopath, Dr Gilbert Ezengige, has said. According to him, unhealthy life styles, such as smoking, excessive alcohol consumption and insufficient sleep are factors responsible for the problem. 
Others are regular bathing with hot water, which allows the heat from the steam to affect the quality of semen, wearing of tight
pants, which raise the temperature around the testicles and restrict blood flow. He said honey, orange coconut water, plantain, banana, groundnut, date palm, eggs, milk shrimps, oysters and crayfish can aid treatment when taken.

On treatment, he said, herbal preparation from ginger known as zing ber officinale, massulane acumineta (pako Ijebu in Yoruba), and tribulus terrestris known as dagunro in Yoruba, mucuna prurens known as roasted seed in English and werepe in Yoruba and akugba in Igbo. Also, part of the herbs are Cucurbita pepo (pumpkin seed) – not the fluted pumpkin seed (Ugu in Igbo), but the anyu or ugbogulu in Igbo, which is elegede in Yoruba. “For infection, herbal preparation from securidaca longepedunculata  root called ipeta in Yoruba, grapefruit seed powder and turimeric (Curcuma longae), which is Atale pupa in Yoruba. Anthocleiota  Djalonensis  (sapo root in Yoruba).
“The herbs used are sperm builders, sperm motility and enhancers as well as aphrodisiac. They help stimulate sexual urge and sustain men’s erection. They are very good in the management of erectile dysfunction in man. “Vitamin C, which is about 3, 000mg daily, vitamin E, folic acid, vitamin B12, minerals such as zinc and selenium are also very good for the treatment,” Ezengige added.

He said male infertility is the inability of a man to produce healthy sperm that can impregnate a woman after one year of well-timed unprotected sexual intercourse. Ezengige said hormonal problems, such as pituitary gland disorder, high prolactin and low level of testosterone can cause the condition. Environmental factors, such as stress from family, work and society are also responsible for the condition. Some men can also inherit it from their parents and it could be due to structural anomaly, such as blockage in the spermatic duct, un-descended testicles and absence of tubes.

He said natural deficiencies caused by infections can also affect male fertility. These are those from urinary tract and sex, staphylococcus aureus and e-coli. When a man has any of these infections, the effect could be poor sperm concentration count. The normal sperm level is supposed to be greater than 20 million sperm per mililitre, but that of an infertile man is less. Also, there will be poor motility; that is, speed of the sperm to fertilise the egg is slow. It should be greater than 50 per cent. There is poor morphology, which means that the eggs do not have the right or correct shape. He said before treatment can start a patient is subjected to sperm assessment test known as seminal fluid analysis and hormone for testosterone.

He said men should avoid soya milk and beans because of its estrogen property. Estrogen is a female hormone, he added.

“They should also reduce their consumption of fried food and carbonated drinks. Lime, white sugar, alcohol and cigarette should also be avoided,” Ezengige said.

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