Thursday, April 3, 2014

[MUST READ] Male menopause is a reality (2)

....Contd. From last article
Unlike women, men do not have a clear-cut signpost, such as the stopping of menstruation, to tell them they are in andropause. Instead, it comes as a gradual and distressful decline in their sexuality and overall energy, with increasing moodiness. By the time most men are 40-45 or middle aged, they have experienced some symptoms of andropause, which range from energy loss to depression to sexual dysfunction.
The bodily changes occur gradually in men and may be accompanied by changes in attitude, moods, sex drive and physical agility. Again, fatigue and a loss of energy may set in; while muscle mass and bone density decreases. And just like women, men are prone to broken bones and osteoporosis.
Although andropause is a normal part of ageing, that does not mean men should accept it as an inevitable fate. If left untreated, it can have severe medical consequences that go beyond the loss of libido. For starters, it can lead to osteoporosis and broken bones.

Continue reading after the cut....
Testosterone is a hormone that is not only essential for normal sexual behaviour and for producing erections, but it also has many functions in a man’s body. It helps to build protein and it affects many metabolic activities such as the production of blood cells in the bone marrows, bone function, lipid metabolism, carbohydrate metabolism, liver function and prostate gland growth.
If testosterone levels are not adequately replaced, then many body functions may be adversely affected, leading to premature ageing and an unhealthy old age.
There is a need for all andropause sufferers to undergo a complete medical examination that includes laboratory tests and measurement of the male hormone panel to indicate the level of testosterone replacement that is needed.
The principal hormones that would be tested are testosterone, thyroid, dihydroepiandrosterone and growth hormone. Treatment will include a combination of testosterone replacement therapy, psychotherapy, herbs, diet and exercise, reduction in the intake of grapefruit, alcohol and fats since, according to Dr. Stephen Suiatra, a cardiologist specializing in medicine, and author of Heartbreak and Heart Disease, the body’s aromatose enzyme turns testosterone into the female hormone oestrogen when certain substances like grapefruit, alcohol and fat are ingested.
These catalysts — grapefruit, alcohol, and fat — turn on the aromatose enzyme, which decreases the testosterone level. On the other hand, to help increase testosterone production, Suiatra, who heads the New England Heart and Longevity Centre in Manchester, suggests that taking zinc, vitamin E and such herbs as muirapuama, an L-arginine, help to increase libido.
In the first line of treatment, multivitamins and vitamins A, B, C and E may be prescribed as well as 1,000mg of calcium tablets a day to guard against osteoporosis. The calcium should, however, be taken with plenty of water to prevent kidney stones. The best form of calcium supplements are the liquid effervescence tablets or the capsules.
Exercise with a diet low in fat, along with adequate sleep of at least eight hours a night, will certainly be part of the doctor’s prescription; as well as herbs containing pasuma and maca.
The gold standard in andropause management used to be testosterone replacement therapy if it is indicated by the results of the androgen panel test. This will be administered by one of several methods that include injection, patches, gel or tablets.
Experienced doctors knowledgeable in this type of treatment must perform these replacement therapy treatments, as inappropriately balanced prostatic antigen (PSA) levels can increase the risk of prostatic cancer.
Other risks associated with hormone supplementation, particularly with injections, include the risk of stroke, increase in liver toxicity and breast development; not to mention the ironic shutdown of sperm production that can result from testosterone supplementation.
The recent increase in prostatic cancer has made many men to shy away from the use of testosterone replacement therapy. This has now been replaced by a combination of protocols necessary to help restore good health and then re-energise the body system to achieve the desired goal of feeling youthful with increased vigour, vitality and erectile energy.
Such protocol will include the initial assessment of the health status, food intolerance and other system disturbance. This is followed by the blood analysis of the various hormonal panels and cardiac panels. The individual is now made to go through a customised individual body cleansing and detoxification, which will improve the efficiency of the alimentary system and restore more energy.
The protocol will include the use of additional equipment to improve the circulation to the reproductive organ such as the physiotherm and the scenar, in addition to regular exercise. Once this is done, the individual is given a number of orthomolecular supplements such as the bioidentical hormone replacement and herbal cream and capsules; as well as vitamins.
Most individual will have been able to report a much improved erectile activity following such protocols in Mayr spas.

- Oladapo Ashiru/Punch

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